Thursday, 4 January 2018

الفوركس المتاجرة نظام أسرار ماروما

االنخفاض في البيع بيع جميع أدوات التداول المالية لها عمليات بيع. وهي ظاهرة طبيعية من جني الأرباح وقصيرة البيع. وتتطلب الاتجاهات الصاعدة في الأسعار السعرية عمليات بيع دورية لتجديد العرض والطلب. وتعتبر عمليات البيع الصغرى عمليات سحب. تميل التراجعات إلى دعم الدعم عند المتوسط ​​المتحرك لمدة 50 فترة. ومع ذلك، عندما يستمر البيع على أساس واسع، فإنه يمكن أن يكون دلائل على انعكاس السوق يحتمل أن تكون خطرة. التصحيحات تميل إلى أن تكون أكثر عدوانية، وعادة ما يختبر المتوسط ​​المتحرك 200 فترة. ويعتبر مؤشر الوفاة عبارة عن إشارة بيع شعبية حيث يشكل المتوسط ​​المتحرك اليومي لمدة 50 فترة انتقالا عبر المتوسط ​​المتحرك اليومي لمدة 200 فترة. ومع ذلك، فإن التمييز بين التصحيح وسوق الدب محدد بوضوح. التصحيحات وسوق الدب بيع عمليات البيع عندما يبيع صدى في جميع أنحاء الأسواق المالية لفترة طويلة من الزمن، فإنه يمكن أن تؤدي إلى سوق الدب. منذ عام 1929، شهدت أسواق الأسهم المحلية 25 الدب السوق تبيع. ويتعرض سوق الدب المتوسط ​​ل 35 عملية بيع من أعلى مستوياته ويستمر في المتوسط ​​10 أشهر. وتعرف أسواق الدب بخصائص مميزة. ويجب أن تبقى عملية البيع على الأقل 20 من الرتب العالية لمدة شهرين على الأقل. أي شيء أقل يعتبر تصحيح. في بداية عام 2018، كانت الأسواق قريبة جدا من سوق الدب، حيث انخفض مؤشر ستاندرد أند بورز 500 (سامب 500) سلبيا 18 في الشهرين الأولين من العام. ومع ذلك، فإن الارتداد إلى مستويات سعر التعادل ميزه بأنه تصحيح، حيث فشل في إحراق 20 خسارة سلبية لأكثر من شهرين. وكان هناك تراجعتان محتملتان للسوق في الألفية الجديدة. انخفض سامب 500 58 خلال السوق الدب من 2000 إلى 2002 خلال فقاعة التكنولوجيا. وحدثت عملية بيع السوق الدب الثاني خلال فقاعة الإسكان والانهيار المالي العالمي من 2007 إلى 2009 حيث انخفض سامب 500 57. ويحدث متوسط ​​سوق الدب كل 3.4 سنوات. وكانت الأسواق في سوق الثور ما يقرب من ضعف الرقم المتوسط. عطلات العطل الحماية المالية الخاصة بك الأعياد: جميع العطلات شاملة الرحلة على هذا الموقع محمية ماليا من قبل مخطط أتول. توماس كوك التجزئة المحدودة تعمل كوكيل لمشغلي الجولات المرخصة. عند الدفع سيتم تزويدك بشهادة أتول. يرجى طلب ذلك والتحقق من أن يتم سرد كل ما حجزته (الرحلات الجوية والرحلات البحرية والفنادق وغيرها من الخدمات) على ذلك. يرجى الاطلاع على شروط حجز منظمي الرحلات السياحية لمزيد من المعلومات. رحلات الطيران: لن يتم حماية جميع الرحلات الجوية التي يعرضها وبيعها توماس كوك من خلال برنامج أتول. إذا كنت لا تتلقى شهادة أتول ثم حجز الطيران الخاص بك لن يكون أتول المحمية. انتقل إلى ثوماسوكايرلينس لمزيد من التفاصيل. لا تنطبق حماية أتول على الخدمات الأخرى المعروضة على هذا الموقع. لمزيد من المعلومات حول الحماية المالية وشهادة أتول انتقل إلى atol. org. uk. Don8217t دفع 27 المزيد لتحويل الدولارات إلى اليورو في الكشف عن المطار: نحصل على عمولة للروابط على بلوق. لم يكن لديك لاستخدام الروابط لدينا، ولكن كانت ممتنة جدا عند القيام به. أمريكان إكسبريس، باركليكارد، تشيس، وبنك الولايات المتحدة هي مليون ميل أسرار شركاء الإعلان. الآراء المعبر عنها هنا هي الكتاب وحدهم، ولم يتم مراجعتها أو الموافقة عليها أو تأييدها من قبل شركائنا. هيريس لدينا الكشف المعلن. I8217ve المعروف دائما أن تغيير الأموال في المطارات هي صفقة رهيب. ولكن كان من الغريب أن أرى كم أنا سوف تكون ممزق، لذلك قمت بتحويل 100.50 إلى 60 يورو في خدمات العملة ترافيليكس في مطار نيوارك. وكانت هذه صفقة رهيبة، لأنني كنت قد تلقيت 16 يورو إضافية، بمبلغ إجمالي قدره 76 يورو، إذا كنت قد حولت 100.50 بسعر رسمي بين البنوك. 27 أكثر (16 يورو إضافية 60 يورو) بسبب الرسوم التي ينطوي عليها متجر ترافيليكس Don8217t نتوقع ترافيليكس أن أقول لكم فقط كم اضافية you8217re دفع. في تجربتي، الممثلين إما أنفسهم متهورين عن الرسوم أو عمدا تقلل من الرسوم لإجراء عملية بيع. بلدي استلام تسميات الممثل باعتباره 8220Sales Consultant8221 لذلك أظن أن جزءا كبيرا من رواتب الممثل 8217 يقوم على حجم مبيعات العملات الأجنبية. وهذا يعني أن هناك حافزا كبيرا للممثل لتوليد المبيعات وتحويل الانتباه عن الرسوم العالية التي يتقاضاها ترافيليكس. سألت على وجه التحديد عن الرسوم، وقيل أنه لم يتم فرض أي رسوم. وهو صحيح من الناحية الفنية لأن إيصال تسميات لهم كما 8220 رسوم الخدمة.8221 A 9.95 رسوم الخدمة هو رسم لي رسم بياني ملون التسويق في كشك ترافيليكس لديه الجرأة إلى الدولة 8220 خصم سعر الصرف على اليوم 8217s المعاملات 8221 عندما رسوم العملة الأجنبية هو 14 أكثر ، لتحويل الدولار الأمريكي إلى اليورو، من سعر بين البنوك لا قيمة بالنسبة لك و 8220savings8221 المذكورة هي وفورات وهمية من المرجح أن تنشأ عن مقارنة تضخم معدلات القاعدة. رسوم تحويل العملات الأجنبية تدفع رسمين عند تغيير العملة في المطار. هذا هو على الرغم من مستشار المبيعات (أمب استلام ترافيليكس) أقول لك أنه لا توجد رسوم. أن 8217s لأن هناك 8220Service Charge8221 حتى ترافيليكس يمكن أن أقول بصراحة أن كنت weren8217t اتهم 8220fee8221 عندما في الواقع رسوم الخدمة له نفس التأثير كما رسوم و مزق كبير هو لأن معدل تدفعه للعملة أعلى بكثير من سعر البنك الرسمي. الفرق بين السعر الرسمي وما ترافيليكس (أو غيرها من شركات صرف العملات المطار) تهمة لكم هو 8220spread8221 الذي هو المصدر الرئيسي للربح لشركات صرف العملات. 1. ارتفاع سعر صرف العملة. كنت دائما تقريبا اتهم معدل أعلى بكثير من النقد الأجنبي من سعر البنك الرسمي. هذا الاختلاف أو 8220spread8221 هو كيف محلات صرف العملات تجعل معظم أموالهم. دفعت 1 مقابل 0.6626 يورو في 30 ديسمبر 2018 في ترافيليكس في نيوارك. غير أن المعدل الرسمي بين المصارف كان 1 مقابل 0.75653 يورو. وهذا يعني أنني دفعت 0.09393 أكثر (سعر الرسمي من 0.75653 8211 ترافيليكس معدل 0.6626) في 1 أن تغيرت أو 14 أكثر (0.09393 أكثر في 1 تحويل ترافيليكس معدل 0.6626) لبلدي الصرف الأجنبي. 14 هو هامش ربح ضخم لتحويل العملات الأجنبية. وبالمقارنة، فإن معظم بطاقات الائتمان التي تفرض رسوم رسوم المعاملات الأجنبية فقط 3 وبعض تهمة أي رسوم المعاملات. 2. رسوم الخدمة. يتحمل ترافيليكس رسوم خدمة 9.95 في المطارات إذا قمت بتحويل أقل من 500 إلى عملة أجنبية. لا توجد رسوم خدمة لتحويل أكثر من 500، ولكن لا تزال تدفع سعر صرف العملات عالية جدا. رسوم المعاملات عالية لذلك كنت 8217re دفع فعليا على الأقل 2 اضافية (9.95 رسوم الخدمة 499 تحويلها) إذا قمت بتحويل 499 إلى معاملة أجنبية. وأكثر من ذلك بكثير إذا قمت بتحويل كميات صغيرة. دفعت فعلا 11 اضافية بسبب رسوم الخدمة (9.95 رسوم الخدمة 90.55 تحويل) لتحويل 101.50 إلى 60 يورو في المطار ماذا تفعل الكثير منا تغيير المال في المطارات لأننا بحاجة إلى العملة المحلية نقدا عندما نصل في بلد أجنبي. ولكن دون 8217t تغيير كل ما تبذلونه من المال في المطار لأنك سوف تحصل على معدل رهيب كان المعدل المعروض في المطار 14 أسوأ من معدل بين البنوك في بلدي المثال أعلاه. 1. بطاقة السحب الآلي. استخدام بطاقة السحب الآلي الخاصة بك لسحب المال حالما تهبط في المطار. منح هذا، يمكن أن يكون عكسيا إذا كان يمكنك 8217t تحديد موقع ماكينة الصراف الآلي أو بطاقة السحب الآلي الخاص بك don8217t العمل في أجهزة الصراف الآلي وتحتاج إلى نقد بالعملة المحلية لدفع ثمن الحافلة أو سيارة أجرة. معظم بطاقات السحب الآلي لديها رسوم المعاملات الأجنبية من 1 إلى 3 وهو أفضل بكثير من انتشار 14 عند تغيير النقدية في المطارات الأمريكية. سوف تدفع أيضا رسوما لاستخدام الصراف الآلي الأجنبي، لذلك فإنه يساعد على سحب مبالغ كبيرة للحد من تأثير الرسوم. ومع ذلك، العديد من أجهزة الصراف الآلي الأجنبية لديها حد أقصى المبلغ الذي يمكنك سحب في وقت واحد. بطاقة الخصم من تشارلز شواب مع حساب فحص العائد المرتفع (وليس رابطا تابعا) لا تفرض رسوما على المعاملات الأجنبية لسحب الأموال في الخارج وتسدد لك رسوم الصراف الآلي التي تتقاضاها البنوك. 2. بطاقات الائتمان. استخدام بطاقة الائتمان لدفع معظم النفقات الخاصة بك. العديد من بطاقات الائتمان، مثل تشيس الياقوت المفضل. تشيس الحبر الحبر جريئة زائد. تشيس حياة. تشيس الخطوط الجوية البريطانية الخ لا تتقاضى أي رسوم المعاملات الأجنبية للمشتريات الأجنبية، ولكن حتى بطاقة التي تهمة 3 أفضل من دفع رسوم تحويل أعلى لتحويل الدولار الأمريكي إلى العملة المحلية نقدا. منحت، أن هناك العديد والعديد من الأماكن التي تستخدم بطاقة الائتمان ليست خيارا ويجب عليك 8217t الاعتماد على هذه الطريقة حصرا عند السفر. سيكون هناك أوقات عندما كنت في حاجة النقدية. هذا يحدث حتى في الولايات المتحدة، ولكن من المرجح أن يحدث في الخارج. ولكن itn8217t يصب في محاولة لوضع كل ما تبذلونه من الإنفاق الأجنبي على بطاقات الائتمان للحصول على أميال إضافية ونقاط ومع ذلك، don8217t سحب المال من أجهزة الصراف الآلي مع بطاقة الائتمان الخاصة بك لأنك سوف تكون مشحونة رسوم سلفة نقدية عالية. 3. الدولار الأمريكي. حمل عملة الدولار الأمريكي معك. في حالة عدم وجود دفع أو دفع بالدولار الأمريكي، قد يقبل صاحب متجر الدولار أو يرشدك إلى بنك حيث يمكنك تغييرها. أنا willn8217t نتوقع أفضل سعر، ولكن بالتأكيد يمكن can8217t يكون أسوأ من سعر صرف العملة في المطارات الأمريكية. ومع ذلك، أنا willn8217t تعتمد على الجميع قبول بالبهجة دولار، وكنت قد تقطعت بهم السبل إذا كنت تعتمد على بطاقات الائتمان فقط وليس نقدا المحلية. 4. أمسك أنفك ودفع رسوم تحويل العملة العالية في المطار بحيث يكون لديك العملة المحلية عند الهبوط. ولكن القيام بذلك فقط كمية صغيرة. أنا عادة تحويل 100 إلى العملة المحلية في أي من الولايات المتحدة أو المطار المحلي عندما أذهب حتى يكون لدي ما يكفي من المال للالأيام القليلة الأولى. نعم، أنا أوفيرباي للعملة، ولكن أشعر أكثر في سهولة مع العلم أن I won8217t يجب أن يشرح بلغة أجنبية لماذا ليس لدي العملة المحلية 5. جلب النقدية معك. بعد ذلك، أسحب النقود باستخدام بطاقة الخصم البنكية الخاصة بي وأعيد بعضهم معي إلى الولايات المتحدة إذا كنت أعرف أنني سوف عابرة أو زيارة تلك البلدان مرة أخرى. I8217ve حصلت على خبأ صغير من اليورو، جنيه استرليني، ريال برازيلي، روبية هندية، الرنمينبي الصيني الخ التي سوف تستخدم في المرة القادمة التي أزور تلك البلدان الخط السفلي تحويل الأموال في مطار الولايات المتحدة مكلفة، ولكن يمكن أن يكون يستحق كل هذا العناء لصغير كميات. بعد ذلك، فمن الأفضل إما استخدام بطاقة الائتمان مع مثالي أي رسوم المعاملات الأجنبية بحيث يمكنك كسب الأميال ونقاط على مشترياتك. وسحب الأموال من أجهزة الصراف الآلي المحلية باستخدام بطاقة الخصم الخاصة بك لتلك الأوقات عندما كنت في حاجة لدفع نقدا. القراء، I8217m غريبة ما هي الطريقة التي تستخدمها للحصول على العملة المحلية عند السفر إذا كنت تحب هذا المنصب، لماذا لا تنضم إلى 8،500 القراء الذين وقعوا لتلقي المشاركات بلوق الحرة عبر البريد الإلكتروني (1 البريد الإلكتروني فقط في اليوم الواحد) أو في قارئ رسس لأنك لن تفوت أبدا تقرير رحلة آخر إذا كنت تحب هذا المنصب، لماذا لا تنضم إلى 25،000 القراء الذين وقعوا لتلقي المشاركات بلوق الحرة عبر البريد الإلكتروني (1 البريد الإلكتروني فقط في اليوم الواحد) أو في قارئ رسس لأنه بعد ذلك لا يفوتون تحديث آخر التحرير تنويه: لا الردود الواردة أدناه ولا محتوى التحرير في هذه الصفحة يتم توفير أو بتكليف من قبل المعلنين البنك، ولم تتم مراجعتها والموافقة عليها أو أقرت من قبل المعلنين البنك. الآراء الواردة هنا هي المؤلفين وحدهم، وليس من المعلنين المصرف. ليس من مسؤولية المعلنين البنك لضمان جميع المشاركات أندور يتم الرد على الأسئلة. ترك الرد إلغاء الرد 78 الردود على لدكو Don8217t دفع 27 أكثر لتحويل الدولارات إلى اليورو في مطار رديقو لمعلوماتك، إذا كنت تقدم بطلب للحصول على حساب شواب المستثمر فحص، وسوف سحب تقرير الائتمان. في كا، أنها سحبت إكيفاكس بالنسبة لي، لذلك لا خسارة كبيرة (لا أحد يسحب إكيفاكس بالنسبة لي). كما أنه من الجيد الاحتفاظ بإيصال جميع معاملات الصراف الآلي الخاصة بك وكتابة ما كانت عليه رسوم ماكينة الصراف الآلي 8230 عدد قليل من أجهزة الصراف الآلي دون 8217t الكشف عن الرسوم بشكل صحيح ونظام Schwab8217s قد لا تحصل على رسوم لاستردادها في نهاية الشهر . فكرة جيدة أخرى هي أن تبقي فقط النقدية تحصل على الإجازات إذا كان 8217s كانتريريجيون كنت تتوقع العودة إلى. لدي ما يزيد عن 300 يورو في محفظتي للسفر فقط لأنني دائما ما أميل إلى أن أكون في دولة عملة اليورو مرة واحدة على الأقل في السنة على أي حال (وقد شهدت الوصول إلى عطلة البنك، وجود فقط فقط ما يكفي من التغيير للوصول إلى القطار إلى مدينة). كنت قد نسيت واحدة واضحة: الحفاظ على خبأ صغير من العملات الأجنبية من رحلتك الأخيرة. إذا كنت أعتقد I8217m الذهاب الى الذهاب الى هناك في السنوات الخمس المقبلة، وأنا تأكد من تحقيق ما يكفي لركوب سيارة المطار العودة معي. أسوأ حالة هو أنني صرف تلك العملة في بلد آخر في المطار بالعملة المحلية. لدي دائما الدولار الكندي، دولار هونج كونج، اليورو، والجنيه في المنزل. أنا أوصي تشارلز شواب بطاقة الخصم لهذه الميزة كذلك. حقيقة أنه لا يوجد رسوم المعاملات الأجنبية أو رسوم استخدام أجهزة الصراف الآلي يعني أنك don8217t لديك ما يدعو للقلق حيث كنت 8217re الذهاب للحصول على أفضل سعر صرف لأموالك. على الرغم من ذلك، كان هناك مرة واحدة حيث كان أول جهاز صراف آلي استخدمته في غواتيمالا (منحت، كان wnn8217t في المطار) في رحلة لمدة أسبوعين كما علم 8220 كومبروميسد 8221 أتم، وأنها أغلقت بطاقتي التي تسببت قليلا جدا من صداع بالنسبة لي، على الرغم من أنني قد أخطرتهم قبل أن كنت مسافرا. أمول didn8217t تعرف أنها سحبت تقرير الائتمان 8230 سوف تضطر إلى التحقق من ذلك. لطيفة جدا ومفيدة آخر، شكرا. أنا مشوشة على نقطة واحدة، ومع ذلك. في هذا المنصب (الفقرة 2 أعلاه)، فإنك تنصح، عند استخدام سيسي في الخارج، دائما أن تكون مشحونة بالدولار الأمريكي. ويبدو أن هذا يتناقض مع النقطة الرئيسية في وظيفتك في 2 أغسطس 2018 (المرتبطة في الفقرة 2 من هذا المنصب)، والتي ستحمل بالعملة المحلية عند استخدام سيسي في الخارج. ما أنا في عداد المفقودين تيا للتوضيح يمكنني استخدام البنك علي دوليا. أنا لا أدفع أي رسوم على الحساب وأحصل على بطاقة الخصم ماستركارد البلاتين. لست متأكدا ما يعني تسمية البلاتين للخصم. أدفع رسوم تغيير العملة 1 ولا رسوم أجهزة الصراف الآلي في أي مكان في العالم. في حين أن المبالغ المستردة من رسوم الصراف الآلي ليست منفعة منشورة من الحليف، إلا أنني كثيرا ما أرى بعض المبالغ المستردة في بياني. أمول (بوينستوبوينتب) 8211 شكرا لرؤساء متابعة على التحقيق الصعب. من المفيد أن نعرف كونفوشيوس جاكسون 8211 لم أذكر أن أقل من 4 8220 بعد ذلك، أنا سحب النقدية باستخدام بطاقة الخصم المصرفي بلدي وجلب بعض الظهر معي إلى الولايات المتحدة إذا كنت أعلم أنني سوف تكون عابرة أو زيارة تلك البلدان مرة أخرى. إيف حصلت على خبأ صغير من اليورو، جنيه استرليني، ريال برازيلي، روبية هندية، الرنمينبي الصيني الخ التي سوف تستخدم في المرة القادمة التي أزور تلك البلدان 8221 ولكن ربما يستحق فقرته الخاصة لأنه يبدو أنه قد غاب عن جوناثان H 8211 أنا don8217t لديها بطاقة الخصم شواب حتى الآن، ولكن أنا النظر في فتح واحد. المتكرر غروبونر 8211 خطأ في وقت متأخر من الليل. شكرا لإشارته إلى جاكوب 8211 من المفيد أن نعرف وشكرا لتقاسم أحصل على تعويض عن بعض رسوم الصراف الآلي من البنك المباشر للسحب الدولية على الرغم من أن سحب المحلية فقط من المفترض أن تسدد. لدينا أيضا اقتراح، كما بلوق الخاص بك هو حول أميالبوينتس 8230. تقديم إيصالك إلى الطائر الأزرق في محاولة لكسب بعض أميال الجائزة. مزيد من المعلومات هنا: تحلق الشركاء الأزرق 8211 وضع 8220Travelex8221 في 8220Partner البحث عن طريق اسم 8221 مربع. It8217s يستحق المحاولة أحب بلوق، ولكن كان بعض التعليقات لإضافة إلى المناقشة. أولا وقبل كل شيء، أنا أبدا تبادل المال في المطار. وهذا يجب أن يكون أسوأ مكان للقيام بذلك. معظم الناس يعرفون هذا، ولكن في بعض الأحيان تحتاج بعض النقد عند وصولك. يمكنك can8217t يشكو في هذه الحالة عنهم الإعلان عن سعر صرف مخفضة لأنك فقط تحويل 100.50، والملصق لديك صورة من العروض التي تم الإعلان عنها ل 350 المعاملات. بعد أن قلت ذلك، I8217m متأكد من معدل أنها تعطيك لكل طبقة لا تزال سيئة للغاية. أيضا، نضع في اعتبارنا أن it8217s قليلا غير عادلة لمقارنة معدلاتها إلى معدلات 3 فيدمك. أنها 8217re خدمات مختلفة. واحد هو تحويل النقدية الفعلية، وكان من الواضح أن استئجار شخص للعمل كشك حيث فيزامك هو كل الإلكترونية. مرة أخرى، I8217m لا أقول أن أسعار الصرف aren8217t فظيعة، ولكنني don8217t نتوقع أن تدفع 3 أو أقل عند تحويل النقدية بلدي. it8217s مجرد خدمة مختلفة. أيضا، وأعتقد أن العديد من التبادلات المالية المطار ستعيد شراء الأموال غير المستخدمة في نفس المعدل، لذلك إذا كان لديك المال في نهاية رحلتك يمكنك العودة الولايات المتحدة. 99 من الوقت، وأنا don8217t تحويل النقدية نقدا. أفعل ما يفعله الآخرون والانسحاب من أجهزة الصراف الآلي. لدي حساب رأسمالي واحد (لست متأكدا مما إذا كان 8217s لا يزال عرضت منذ أن تم شراؤها من قبل إنغ) التي لا يوجد لها رسوم شهرية، لا رسوم أجهزة الصراف الآلي، ولا رسوم الفوركس حتى عندما أسافر، أنا فقط سحب المال وأنا في حاجة إليها وليس قلق حيال شيء. لدي أيضا عدد قليل من 0 بطاقات الائتمان رسوم الفوركس (سيتيبانك ثانكيوو بريمير أمبير أميكس البلاتين)، وهو دائما تفضيلي. إذا كنت تبحث لتحويل النقدية، يتسوق. فزت بعض المال في بطولة لعبة البوكر وكان لديها فائض من اليورو، وعندما كنت في المملكة المتحدة وجدت متجر يسمى أسيفكس التي أعطاني معدل التحويل جيدة للغاية على اليورو. أعيش في لاس فيغاس ولدينا متجر المعاملات الأجنبية المتخصصة مع أفضل الأسعار في المدينة. إذا كنت تفعل بعض غوغلينغ، you8217ll تجد شيئا من هذا القبيل في كل مدينة. انهم 8217re لا يزال الذهاب لشحن لكم شيئا لتحويل أموالك حتى يتمكنوا من تحويل الأرباح، ولكن تطمئن it8217ll يكون أفضل من فيروب 8211 المطار يمكنك مشاركة المحل في لف ATM8217s هي بالتأكيد الطريق للذهاب، وأنا أتفق تماما مع فكرة عدم تغيير مرة أخرى إلى الدولار في نهاية الرحلة، إذا كانت العملة لديك هو من مكان مستقر مؤقتا كنت من المرجح أن تذهب مرة أخرى، أو، وأود أن أضيف، إذا كان هو عملة قابلة للتحويل بسهولة من شأنها أن تكون مجرد نرحب بالدولار للتعامل مع في المكان التالي تذهب. مجرد استخدام بطاقة الدفع المسبق أميكس الأزرق والسحب من أجهزة الصراف الآلي لا الفوركس و 1 الانسحاب مجانا كل شهر. إذا ذهبت إلى فندق قد يكون لديهم أجهزة الصراف الآلي مجانا، وسوف يكلفك شيئا. بما فيه الكفاية، عندما كنت في يانغون الشهر الماضي بفضل بيع جامبو معين، اتهم الصراف في المطار أي رسوم أو رسوم الخدمة وكان سعر الصرف 0.5 أقل من سعر نشرت أذهب إلى بلدي البنك المحلي ووضع في من أجل بعض العملات من البلاد ونحن ذاهبون لمجرد أن لدي بعض في متناول اليد. نحن نأخذ كروز من بلد إلى آخر في ربيع هذا العام، وعندما نهبط في البلد الثاني نحن خارج جولة في مرشد سياحي على الفور. أنا بحاجة النقدية لدفع له حتى I8217ll من أجل ذلك هنا في الولايات المتحدة. فإنه يحافظ على مستوى التوتر لأسفل بالنسبة لي. لدي أيضا مستثمر شواب للتحقق من الأسباب الوحيدة التي ذكرها أمول. أنا دائما استخدام إما بطاقة الخصم الخاصة بي في الصراف الآلي البنك عند الهبوط في بلد أجنبي أو أي بطاقة الائتمان رسوم المعاملات الأجنبية لجميع المشتريات الأخرى. كما أنقذ أي أموال أجنبية إضافية في المرة القادمة التي أزورها. كان لي حوالي 150 يورو تركت من واحدة من رحلاتنا. في المرة القادمة التي ذهبنا إلى أوروبا كنا نسافر مع صديق. نحن الهبوط في المطار وكانوا جميعا في حالة من الذعر لأنهم لم يكن لديهم أي من العملة المحلية لسيارات الأجرة والحافلات، وما إلى ذلك كان زوجي وأنا مغطاة على الرغم من لأن لدينا المال المحفوظة في متناول اليد. كان لدينا أيضا حوالي 250 تركت من هذه الرحلة التي جاءت في متناول اليدين عندما كانت والدتي في القانون الذهاب الى ايطاليا لزيارة الأسرة. سلمت لها بطاقة مع اليورو داخل وأنها cann8217t كانت أكثر سعادة. عائلتنا من إيطاليا أيضا أرسلت لنا اليورو كما زفافنا الحاضر قبل بضع سنوات. لا يزال لدينا أن أنقذ لرحلتنا القادمة هناك. لماذا النقدية في عندما نعلم we8217re سوف تحتاج إليها في غضون بضعة أشهر كنا كثيرا بدلا من القواعد التي تغطيها. أنا مع دارايوس على هذا 8230 حفظ العملة الإضافية لأنها سوف تأتي دائما في متناول اليدين. حصلت على ثمل في تبادل المطار أيضا. سمعت أنك يمكن أن تذهب إلى ستاربكس ووضع كل ما تبذلونه من العملة الأجنبية على بطاقة ستاربكس الخاص بك، وأنه سيتم تحويل إلى أوسد. أي شخص يحاول بلوبيرد دوليا إذا كان لديك د يجب أن يكون هناك أي رسوم أجهزة الصراف الآلي إلى جانب ما رسوم رسوم أجهزة الصراف الآلي لكل استخدام. يمكنني استخدام بطاقة الخصم من بنك أوف أميركا في البنوك التابعة عند السفر إلى الخارج للحصول على أفضل سعر الصرف الحالي مع رسوم صفر على الاطلاق. بنب باريبا (فرنسا) بنل بانكا نازيونال ديل لافورو (إيطاليا) باركليز (إنجلترا واسكتلندا وويلز وأيرلندا الشمالية وجزر القنال) دويتشه بنك (ألمانيا) سكوتيابانك (كندا ومنطقة البحر الكاريبي ودول الكاريبي تشمل: أنغيلا، أنتيغوا أمب باربودا، جزر البهاما وبربادوس وجزر فرجن البريطانية وجزر كايمان ودومينيكا والجمهورية الدومينيكية وغرينادا وجامايكا وجزر الأنتيل الهولندية وسانت كيتس ونيفس وسانت لوسيا وسانت فنسنت أمب غرينادين وترينيداد أمب توباغو والأتراك أمب كايكوس جزر فيرجن الأمريكية) ويستباك (أستراليا ونيوزيلندا) بالإضافة إلى ذلك، قام بنك أوف أميركا بترتيب استخدام بطاقات الخصم الآلي أو الصراف الآلي في الصين لدى أجهزة الصراف الآلي في بنك التشييد الصيني (لم يتم تضمين أجهزة الصراف الآلي في بنك تشاينا كونستروكشيون بانك في هونغ كونغ) و في المكسيك في بانكو سانتاندر مع عدم وجود رسوم مشغل أجهزة الصراف الآلي أو رسوم البنك الدولي غير أتم الدولية. قد يتم تطبيق رسوم معاملة دولية لتحويل عملتك. وهناك أيضا Binary Option8217s في أماكن أخرى خارج المملكة المتحدة التي هي قابلة للحياة. داريوس، وذلك بفضل لمنصة بالمعلومات وأنا حقا تتمتع بلوق الخاص بك. ومع ذلك، كموظف سابق في تجارة العملات الرئيسية التجزئة أريد أن أضيف إلى هذه المناقشة. استخدام أسعار بين البنوك كمقارنة ل 100 صفقة الخاص بك هو في غير محله قليلا. يتم تداول العملة في البنوك إلى نقدية أو آجلة أو آجلة أو مبادلة أو بقعة أو أي عدد من الطرق الأخرى. عندما تقوم البنوك (أو المؤسسات الكبيرة الأخرى) بالعملة مع بعضها البعض فإنها تفعل ذلك بمليارات ضخمة أو مليار دولار حجم العقد. حجم 8220 ستاندارد العادي 8221 هو حجم التجارة من 100،000 وحدة (قراءة 100،000). وبالتالي، فإنها تحصل على أسعار أفضل بسبب ارتفاع حجم. لذلك، عندما تقرأ أن سعر الفائدة بين البنوك هو 27 مختلفة عن معدل اشتريت في، you8217re مقارنة نفسك لشخص ما مع القوة الشرائية المليارات من الدولارات. سيكون من شأنه أن يكون مماثل لملء خزان سيارتي 8217s الغاز والحصول على اضطراب منذ صاحب المحطة هو فرض قسط فوق ما معدل الجملة للبنزين، وفقا لسعر العقود الآجلة على نيمكس أو سم. وكمثال على ذلك (حتى كتابة هذه السطور) يتم تداول ربوب الغاز عند 2.8037 للغالون على سم. كانت محطتي الغاز المحلية تبيع الغاز هذا الصباح ل 3.09 للغالون الواحد. أن 8217s قسط من حوالي 10، ما مزق قبالة فقط لأننا نعرف أسعار الجملة، يعني don8217t أن we8217re يحق لهذا المعدل. عندما الخارج. I8217ll الاستمرار في استخدام بلدي الياقوت بطاقة المفضلة، وسحب أي النقدية اللازمة من أجهزة الصراف الآلي. إذا كان لديك حساب التقاعد الإخلاص، والإخلاص الحر ميسمارت الخيار النقدي هو عظيم ل. لا رسوم أجهزة الصراف الآلي (أو تم الخصم). لا رسوم أجنبية. أنا استخدامها في جميع أنحاء العالم. شيء واحد أفعله هو التحقق لمعرفة ما إذا كان بلدي الوجهة 8217s سيارات الأجرة تقبل بطاقة الائتمان. ثم استخدم بطاقة الائتمان الخاصة بي لتحصل على الفندق. إذا كان بلدي don8217t فندق تفعل التبادلات الخارجية، ثم تحقق ما إذا كان كازينو في مكان قريب. إذا كان الأمر كذلك، ثم انتقل إلى الكازينو وتبادل بعض النقود. أنا haven8217t بعد ضرب مع رسوم في كازينو. I8217ve دائما استخدام بطاقة السحب الآلي في الخارج لسحب الأموال من أجهزة الصراف الآلي. يجب على الناس أيضا أن ينظروا إلى البنوك مع اتحاد الائتمان لأن، على الأقل في تجربتي، معظم الاتحادات الائتمانية لا تتقاضى رسوم المعاملات الأجنبية 8211 أو أود أن أقول تلك التي لقد البنوك (آسف، الائتمان الاتحاد النقابي) مع أبدا اتهمني رسوم المعاملات الأجنبية. الإخلاص النقدي الصراف الآلي هو الأفضل. لا رسوم في جميع أنحاء العالم. نأمل I8217ll الحصول على جميع أنحاء لدينا وظيفة حول هذا الموضوع. يمكنني استخدام atm8217s (بطاقة السحب الآلي) في المدن المحلية في دول الاتحاد الأوروبي إسب فرنسا وباعتبار بلدي البنك في U. s. لديها مكاتب في أوروبا لا توجد رسوم أجنبية. يو يجب أن يكون يورو في فرنسا و الجميع يريد النقدية (تحت الجدول) لعدم دفع الضرائب العالية 8230 ونحن في الولايات المتحدة سوف تفعل الشيء نفسه قريبا كل من الضرائب لدينا تتزايد إسب بعض خفية أوباماكار taxtaxes8230 جديدة. أعتقد رسوم حساب إدارة الإخلاص فيديليتي 1 رسوم المعاملات الأجنبية. وأعتقد أن ميسمارت الإخلاص هو جده من قبل حساب إدارة الإخلاص فيديليتي. لا أفتقد أي شيء لم يفهم مطلقا الرغبة في البحث عن أجهزة الصراف الآلي في بلد أجنبي أثناء الرحلة، ولكن هذا هو مجرد تفضيل بلدي. أطلب العملات الأجنبية من خلال مصرف بلدي في وقت مبكر. ومايكل لديه نقطة ممتازة، وكنت مقارنة التفاح إلى البرتقال. قام شواب بسحب تقريري الائتماني عندما تقدمت بطلب للحصول على بطاقة الصراف الآلي، على الرغم من أن لدي بالفعل حسابات منتظمة والتقاعد معهم لسنوات عديدة. لم يشر التطبيق على الانترنت التحقيق. تعلمت ذلك من تقرير الائتمان. سوف سيتي تسدد رسوم أجهزة الصراف الآلي الخاصة بك إذا كنت 8217re سيتي الذهب. في فيتنام يمكنك أن تأخذ العملة الأمريكية إلى متجر المجوهرات المحلية يمنحك أفضل معدلات التحويل. انهم 8217ll عادة ما ينشر سعر الصرف خارج على علامة. تذكر هش 100 فواتير جديدة في حالة جيدة يحصل على أفضل أسعار الصرف. غالبا ما يدفعون 8217ll أقل للفواتير التالفة، فقد مزقوا، ممزق، فواتير متسخة بشكل كبير. جاسون إيفنثو بنك الأمريكية أعلن أن استخدام بنك الصين للبناء في هونج كونج يتم استبعاد، لقد استخدمت أجهزة الصراف الآلي في هونج كونج و ثيريس أي أجهزة الصراف الآلي أو رسوم المعاملات الخارجية. صدقوا أو لا تصدقوا، وبطاقة الخصم من بنك أوف أميركا في الواقع غير موعودة والمقدمة أكثر من العديد من جوانب الحاسبات العالمية أتم. وأود أيضا أن حذر القراء الخاص بك ضد استخدام جهاز الصراف الآلي ترافيليكس. كنت في إيطاليا وسحبت 100 يورو، ولكن بدلا من شحن بطاقة الخصم الخاصة بي 100 يورو (والسماح للبنك الخاص بي في الولايات المتحدة تفعل التحويل)، فعلت أتم ترافيليكس تحويلها إلى الدولار الأمريكي (بسعر الصرف الفقراء) ومنذ أن كنت في اندفاع، أنا النقر 8220Yes8221. لذلك ليس فقط لم أحصل على معدل الفقراء، بلدي العودة في الولايات المتحدة اتهمني رسوم على رأس ذلك لأنه كان معاملة أجنبية (على الرغم من أنني كان wnn8217t اتهم رسوم التحويل، واتهمني رسوم المعاملات عبر الحدود). حتى المشتري beware8230 don8217t استخدام ترافيليكس ATM8217s أنا أتفق مع بلوق الخاص بك أن تبادل العملة في مطار الولايات المتحدة قبل المغادرة سوف تحصل فقط عن أسوأ سعر الصرف ممكن. ومع ذلك، تجربتي هي أنه إذا كنت تبادل النقدية في مطار أجنبي عند وصولك إلى وجهتك، ومعدلات أفضل بكثير. ومن الواضح أنه يعتمد على بالضبط أين أنت ذاهب، ولكن في بعض الأماكن كنت قد ل، وكانت أسعار صرف العملات الأجنبية المطار أفضل الخيارات التي يمكن أن تجد (أفضل من الفنادق والبنوك، أو المحلات التجارية الصرف). ماذا لو كنت سحب الكثير و don8217t تريد إحضاره مرة أخرى، أي أنك don8217t ترى نفسك العودة في المستقبل القريب يمكنك إيداع العملة الأجنبية مرة أخرى إلى البنك الأمريكي عند العودة أو هل لديك لتبادل في مطار الولايات المتحدة 8212 دفع الرسوم التي حاولت في البداية لتجنب ضرب جهاز الصراف الآلي المحلي مع بلدي بطاقة الخصم أوسا (1 رسوم) وإخراج 100 واستخدام بطاقة الائتمان كسب النقاط مع عدم وجود رسوم تحويل العملات الأجنبية حيثما كان ذلك ممكنا. ويستثنى من ذلك القيام برحلات قصيرة جدا كالتوقف الأخير بين عشية وضحاها في فرا. في تلك الحالة، حولت بلدي المتبقية من اليورو إلى اليورو (ربما 20 أو نحو ذلك) في متجر العملة المحلية في سيول قبل مغادرته كوريا. هذا ترك لي تقريبا في ربط بسبب آلات بيع التذاكر لا تقبل بطاقات بلدي، ولكن في الواقع عملت على ما يرام في نهاية المطاف. لدي الآن رقاقة وبطاقة التوقيع، لذلك نأمل أن win8217t يكون مشكلة في المرة القادمة. استخدام بنك عامر. في أتم البنك أتم كما ذكر أعلاه هو أفضل وسيلة. يمكن استخدام دويتشه بنك في معظم المطارات الألمانية. إخراج حوالي 50 عن كل يوم، ومعظم الأشياء التي يمكن القيام به على كر. البطاقات. ولكن خطة بعناية 8211 في نهاية الرحلة وكان لديك النقدية الزائدة، ودفع الفنادق والغاز والغذاء وغيرها للوصول إلى 50-75 في اليوم الأخير الخاص بك ومن ثم دفع النقل إلى المطار. يجب أن أترك لكم مع 20 أو أقل وشراء المجلات والمواد الغذائية، وما إلى ذلك في محلات المطار. أتمنى أن يكون هناك مشهد الإنترنت حيث 8216 المستخدمين المتجولين 8217 سوف تكون قادرة على تجارة الولايات المتحدة ل كوراني الخارجية في معدلات ريج، فائدة لكلا الجانبين. إذا كان لديك العصب، يمكنك أن تطلب دائما الناس الأمريكيين مغادرة مطار أجنبي إلى الولايات المتحدة إذا كان لديهم المال المحلي لبيع 8212 ربما الحصول على معدل جيد. بشكل عام فمن الأفضل دائما لشراء العملة الأجنبية في البلاد التي تزورها، بدلا من البلد الذي تنشأ فيه. على سبيل المثال شراء روبية في الهند، يورو في منطقة اليورو، الخ 8230 وأبدا في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. أعتقد أنني أفضل أن تأمر من أحد البنوك في المنزل قبل التوجه في رحلة. لدينا حسابات مع ويلز فارجو ولديهم تحويل العملات وسوف ربط أدناه الذي يبدو أن تقدم أسعار لائق. لم أتحقق من البنوك الأخرى ولكن سوف يتسوق قبل رحلتنا الدولية القادمة. شكرا للمعلومة. أنا دائما الطلب المسبق للعملة الأجنبية قبل أسبوعين من الرحلة. لأي سبب من الأسباب، بلدي البنك الإقليمي أكبر لا تقدم العملات الأجنبية، ولكن زوجتي 8217s، صغيرة، بنك مسقط تقدم العملة الأجنبية في معدلات جيدة حقا. ثم مرة واحدة في وجهتنا، إذا كنت بحاجة الى المزيد من المال، وأنا استخدام بطاقة الخصم الخاصة بي مع شعار فيزا وحصل عادة على معدلات جيدة. مرة واحدة (عندما كنت لا تزال الصحن والبكم)، وأنا ارتكبت خطأ في استخدام بطاقة الائتمان فيزا للحصول على النقد من أجهزة الصراف الآلي. ووزر، ورسوم السلفة النقدية ورسوم الفائدة الفورية تضاف إلى مبلغ ضخم. أنا عادة ما تمتص فقط وتحويل في المحلية ويلز فارغو. لا أحد لديه خبرة القيام التحويل في مطار سنغافورة أو سوف سيارات الأجرة تقبل سيسي قبل السفر أنا مجرد ضرب حتى بوا وتبادل العملة هناك. تحصل على سعر صرف جيد وكنت win8217t يكون التلعثم في جميع أنحاء المطار أو البلد في محاولة للعثور على أجهزة الصراف الآلي. الشيء السيئ هو أنك سوف يكون السفر مع مبلغ لائق من النقد. أحاول استخدام بطاقة الائتمان الخاصة بي حيثما أمكن مع السفر ولكن دائما أريد أن يكون العملة المحلية و بضع مئات من الدولارات على لي أيضا. لدي سؤال عشوائي لا يرتبط بالضرورة برسوم العملة الأجنبية. أحاول حجز خدمات السفر مع وكيل السفر الأجنبية لذلك سوف تستخدم بلدي تشيس بطاقة الياقوت لتجنب أي رسوم المعاملات الأجنبية لأن الوكيل سوف تهمة لي باليورو. قدم الوكيل 3 خصم إذا دفعت عن طريق التحويل المصرفي. نظرا لأنني لا تدفع رسوم عن طريق التحويل المصرفي، فإنه سيكون من المفيد أن تدفع من قبل تشيس للحصول على نقاط أو الحصول على خصم 3 شكرا للجميع على اقتراحات كبيرة غريبة م 8211 التخلي عن 3 الخصم يعني أن كنت قيمة 1 المكافآت في نهاية المطاف نقطة عند 3 سنتات وهي اعلى مما اعتبره عند 1.5 سنت لكل منهما. على الرغم من ذلك، لديك حماية الشراء على الياقوت المفضل لديك، لذلك قد تكون قادرة على القيام برد المبالغ المدفوعة إذا كان وكيل السفر الأجنبي يهرب مع أموالك التي يمكنك can8217t القيام واحد هيش ديه أموالك المنقولة من حسابك المصرفي. دارين، منذ تشيس الياقوت يعطي 2 نقطة ل 1 من السفر، من شأنه أن يكون في نهاية المطاف نفس الشيء ثم منذ قيمة نقطة واحدة في 1.5 سنت لكل آسف، يعني دارايوس. مايك 8211 إذا لم أكن عائدا إلى البلاد في أي وقت قريب، أحاول أن 8220 أقل من 8221 بقية باقي النقد الأجنبي عن طريق دفع الرصيد في غرفتي الفندق مع كل ما تركته في الصباح الماضي. قد تفوت على بعض سيسي مايلبوينتس، ولكن عادة ما يدق رسوم الصرف لتغييره مرة أخرى إلى أوسد. فقط تأكد من أنك لا تزال لديها ما يكفي من النقود لسيارات الأجرة أو النقل العام إلى المطار. أعطاني فرع ويلز فارجو لي حساب السفر 8220 خاصة و ATM8221 الصراف الآلي، بحيث إذا للخطر، حسابي الرئيسي cann8217t تكون عرضة للخطر. قبل أن أذهب إلى أوروبا دعوت ويلز وسأل عن الرسوم. الجواب: رسوم الآبار 5 لكل استخدام أجهزة الصراف الآلي الدولي، مهما كنت صغيرة خرجت. تركت هذه البطاقة في المنزل. بعد ذلك اتصلت سيتي بنك، حيث لدي حساب سيتي الذهب فحص لتسهيل قبول بلدي ربع سنوية تطبيقات سيتي سيسي وقال لي لي أي رسوم أجهزة الصراف الآلي وأي رسوم معاملات العملة تتجاوز 8220interbank سعر 8221 المذكورة أعلاه. لقد استخدمت بطاقة الصراف الآلي سيتي في جميع أنحاء الاتحاد الأوروبي، وأخذ كميات صغيرة نسبيا في وقت واحد، حتى لا تقلق بشأن فقدان أو سرقة بلدي اليورو. وخاصة في محطة القطار براغ، حيث أتم البنك الصراف الآلي الألمانية فقط من الفواتير التشيكية غير صالحة للاستعمال، منذ مخازن محطة القطار رفضت أن تسدد مثل هذا مشروع قانون كبير. ثم عثرت على ماكينة الصراف الآلي التي تحمل علامة سيتيبانك في المحطة والتي أعطت كمية صغيرة من الفواتير، والتي ستقبلها محطات القطار 8217s عند شراء زجاجة ماء. التغيير من هذا الشراء أعطاني القطع النقدية كنت بحاجة لشراء تذاكر المترو من آلات البيع المترو، والتي كانت الطريقة الوحيدة لشرائها. No attended window for metro tickets at the central train station in Prague, and vending machines that only take Czech coins, when the main industry is tourism, what are they thinking Anyway, my Citi ATM card, and the Prague Citi ATM machine, got me to my hotel via the tram without having to deal with the notoriously corrupt Prague taxi drivers. And if you need to go into a branch, Citi has locations in Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Spain, Turkey and the UK. LOL about no fees being charged at Travelex. THANK YOU for getting the word out of just how they function. I know thy have terrible rates, but for some reason they usually have a long line of people waiting to get those rates. I often cannot get foreign ATMs to work for me, so I can see you need a strategy and a back up plan for both arrival and the duration of trip. This may be less of a problem in large cities in Europe, but ATMs may not be working for any number of reasons in other parts of the world. Upon arrival to Morocco last year (tired and a bit overwhelmed), I withdrew 5X what I wanted due to incorrect conversion in my head. Fortunately it was just the right amount for my entire stay in Morocco. Yikes, how naive could you possibly be Your blog post is filled with half-truths (at best) and contains a lot of really terrible advice. Wow, just wow. There is no reason EVER to 8220exchange8221 money at an airport kiosk or 8220exchange window8221. Those are just con artists looking for suckers. فترة. You say 8220Converting money at a US airport is expensive, but could be worth it for small amounts.8221 No, it 8220could8221 not (only if you want to throw away money for no reason). There are ATMs everywhere upon your arrival overseas 8211 EVERYWHERE. You would be very hard-pressed to find an airport without multiple, easy-to-locate ATMs where you can simply use a debitATM card to withdraw funds form your own bank account in local currency at a favorable rate. Your advice in this case is really, really terrible. jomama, I could not get an ATM to work at the Managua airport 2 years ago. Fortunately, an airport vendor took US dollars for a bit of candy and gave us change in cordobas. I8217m a big fan of the Charles Schwab High Yeild Investor Checking debit card. It was recommended to me by Mint and I keep a bit of money in there for anytime that I travel. It saves me lots of money in Vegas and other places like sporting venues and such where they really get over on people with the Atm fees. Also took it with me to Honduras and it worked like a charm. Used it with my Hilton Honors Reserve and enjoyed traveling and spending just like I do at home with no fees what so ever. Got an inq through Eq but no biggie since there are not many banks that pull Equifax in my area. Just a quick note for all of your readers too. Equifax Advantage is running a free trial right now. May be a good time to pull your score from all three right now for free and know exactly where you stand at the beginning of 2018. Just remember to cancel the service before the trial period ends. I travel internationally extensively and frequently. I never, ever change money at the airport, or obtain foreign currency prior to departure. I always visit an ATM upon arrival, and don8217t recall ever having a problem. I use the Schwab investor checking account, so no fees whatsoever. I agree with the sentiment that changing money in advance is essentially throwing money away. I also pretty much never keep foreign currency to bring home for next time8230not worth the effort of filing it away or remembering to take it back. I suppose everyone should do what they feel comfortable with8230but at some point, I encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zone and just look for an ATM upon arrival8230I think soon it would become quite comfortable and save most people a bit of cash. After all8230this entire blog is about big travel for small money8230so I8217d rather spend my small money on something more interesting curious m 8211 It would be a wash provided the charge is recognized as a travel charge. If the charge is not from the travel agent, you8217d earn only 1 point. jomama 8211 The purpose of this post is to show folks how terrible the airport conversion rate is and how a debit card at an ATM is a better option. Some folks don8217t want to arrive in a foreign country without any local cash and for them, it could be worth the piece of mind to pay a higher conversion fee for a SMALL amount of local cash and to then use a debit card or credit card elsewhere. If you leave the airport in India, good luck getting back in and finding an ATM outside. I don8217t remember seeing an ATM in Addis Ababa as well. And sometimes ATMs aren8217t working or don8217t accept a US card. Some folks would prefer to avoid those situations and arrive in the country with a small amount of local cash. And other 8220half truths8221 you care to point out I have a Citigold account and pay no fees etc on foreign transactions. If there is an ATM fee, Citibank reimbureses it automatically. I have found that the exchange rate is very good by using any major bank8217s ATM, with my debit card, to get cash and it8217s very convenient. In major cities in Europe they are everywhere, sometimes 3-4 in a block on a shopping or business street. I normally have gotten some local currency at the airport and then get more as I need it. If I can easily get to a Citibank branch, the rate is even better, but I won8217t go far out of my way to save maybe 12 percent, time on my vacation is valuable. One new glitch, it appears that all of the ATM8217s at LHR are now owned by Travelex and the rate is as bad as the window (I think it is 5). but no fees. So last summer, I got enough for the first day including the taxi (about 100 pounds) to the hotel and got more on the street. One other tip is to carry debit cards from at least two banks. If your bank is updating it8217s system in the middle of the night at home, which might be noon where you are, or if their fraud department puts your card on hold, having a second card can tide you over until that gets taken care of. We always go to our local WellsFargo 2-4 weeks before our trip to order the local currency of the countryies we 8216re visiting. We exchange enough to get by for a while. If we have some leftover, we bring it back to WF. Because of our accounts with Wells, this is all exchanged at no charge to us. It8217s nice to have some cash8211especially for our teens we can hit the ground running. I always place a foreign currency order with my bank for at least enough cash to get me started. No fees or service charges and the exchange rate is only slightly worse than mid-market rates. Place the order online, pick it up a week later. بسيط. We arrived at Rome, Italy intending to exchange to euros via an airport ATM Machine 8211 all 4 machines were out of order. Fortunately, we had to make an xchnge to euros for the airport to port taxi fare. think we were just unlucky Daraius 8211 U didn8217t address the chip amp pin CC requirement at some places in Europe. Also, what do U recommend for an upcoming trip to S America 8211 we have to pay our private guides 1 K 8211 don8217t like the idea of carrying large amts of on my person. 8211 suggestions appreciated Finally, an unrelated Q 8212 arriving in B Aires from Lima 8211 do we have to pay the hi incoming tax. Is it payable by Sapphire Thanks. Good blog david sugar Robert Hanson Kim Brad 8211 Thanks for the tips Wagger 8211 I8217ve written about Chip 038 Pin in this post. but most US cards are Chip and Signature so not very useful in Europe. You could withdraw the cash from an ATM in South America using your US debit card if their are ATMs available. Here8217s a post on the reciprocity fee and there8217s a link at the end of the post to an article with more details. Some exceptions to the rule 8211 I got extremely competitive exchange rates (spread of 1-2 on LIBOR and no other fees or service charges) at the airports in Dubai and Singapore. But then, those are airports where wifi and baggage carts are also free. I got the impression that airport ripoffs are a regional trend with North America and Western EU leading the way I used my bluebird recently in India and Japan (both countries without BofA affiliate ATM8217s). The only fee charged is the 2. No foreign exchange fee. The only difficulty is that not all ATM8217s take Amex. But for the most part, checking online prevented me from wandering from ATM to ATM trying to find an Amex one. Plus, I earned CC points from loading my Bluebird with Vanilla reload cards. Their FEE STRUCTURE sign states they charge a Service FEE8221 of 9.95 (or 2 whichever is greater) which is he SAME amount they charged you for the 8220service CHARGE8221 (even the receipt also includes a line for fees). To me it looks like they did charge you a 8220fee8221, (for the same amount posted on the fee structure sign), just that they put it on the wrong line of their receipt. Seems like either way the representative made an error, 1) told you they would not charge a fee 8211 (they did) service fee for the exact amount as their fee structure sign or 2) they put the service fee on the service charge line. Either way you should not have been charged. Note: Their Fee Structure sign does NOT even indicate a service CHARGE Here is the article I texted you about regarding foreign currency exhange. the last time I traveled internationally was a long time ago, a decade, so I have no current perspective. all I know is, at the time, early 2000s, we were told to do travelers8217 checks. and I learned quick that that was a bad idea. to my poor memory, I don8217t think any of us did currency exchange at the airport. As soon as we landed, we searched out exchange places and picked the one with the best rate. (maybe we should have gone to a proper bank, but it all worked out) all I know is that virtually no one, on either side of the Atlantic, takes travelers8217 checks. all I know is that, having only a small amount of US cash and a debit card, I was fine. either because I used my debit card to exchange for cash, or directly used my debit card. (my two cents, though probably not worth much.) Forexchange FYI, never EVER use this service at the Italian airports. The exchange service charge you 11.90 for selling Euro, a fixed fee of 8.50 and a rate 10 higher than the market. BTW, using ATMdebit card to draw FX at any airport at Travelex owned ATM carries a 10 surcharge embedded in the exchange rate. Apparently, after calling Citibank, Citibank passed the buck. Buyers beware, the US card issuers, through an agreement with themselves, do not question the rates imposed on FX cash withdrawals at ATMs by their owners nor is there a recourse that they have to that owner for FX so overcharged (unlike with regular merchants 8211 you do not have a right to dispute or charge-back a cash withdrawal transaction). So anyone doing so, please be aware of the risk taken when taking cash out of an ATM from a dubious bank or company offering Cash Withdrawals overseas. The issue is not as severe with reputable banks. Victor 8211 Very true. Thanks for the heads up. WorldKoins is a mobile app (free on Google Play amp App Store) solving the leftover travel money problem Before you leave the visited foreign country deposit your local currency with a partner (available worldwide) and get your money on your WorldKoins account. Primary Menu Monthly Archives: December 2018 Comfort foods without gluten, diary, soy, grain or cane sugar. The Recipe Hacker, the new healthy recipe book from Diana Keuilian evokes unprecedented interest among dieticians and healthy food lovers. The Recipe Hacker is a groundbreaking recipe book that offers healthy recipes which do not add to the body weight. The interesting thing about these recipes is that they are tasty. The innovative healthy recipe book has caught the attention of food critics and lovers of healthy food. There have been many investigative reviews of the book that have been attempting to punch holes in the claims made in the book but without any success. ldquoThe Recipe Hacker is helping people lose weight without having to depend on bland, tasteless recipes that can be tough to stick to for long term, rdquo says Diana Keuilian, the brains behind this amazing book. ldquoI have successfully cracked the secret code to healthy eating without having to sacrifice the taste factor. In this recipe all your favorite comfort foods are turned into fat-burning meals that are easy to prepare and great to taste as well. rdquo Foodies who hate bland, diet food because they all taste horrible are delighted at discovering that they now have a tasty alternative to healthy eating. The recipes in this book have all the details and also come with attractive pictures. All recipes are healthy, free of gluten, soy, sugar and dairy. People can now lose weight by eating sumptuous food that tastes great and without having to track the calories they consume. The Recipe Hacker assures a healthy meal without the usual bloated or lethargic feeling that comes from eating food with unwholesome ingredients. The book has carefully replaced those unhealthy ingredients, with healthy and fat-burning ingredients that donrsquot add to the pounds or deliver an unpleasant eating experience. Diana Keuilian makes sure that the recipes are easy to read and understand. Additionally, every recipe comes with its approximate preparation and cooking time, serving size and other vital instructions. It is clear from the growing popularity of the book that losing weight by eating healthy and tasty food is an option that most people are embracing readily. The hard copy version of The Recipe Hacker will be available on Amazon and other bookstores globally on December 9 th. It will retail at 21.95. Advanced digital copies are available for just 5.95 if purchased before midnight Saturday, 6 th December. About Recipe Hacker: The Recipe Hacker is an interesting and highly valuable collection of popular recipes that have been brilliantly tweaked to ensure they taste as good as your favorite restaurant food but without the unhealthy ingredients. It offers a wonderful way to remain healthy without being forced to consume bland and tasteless food. The recipes in this book replace unhealthy ingredients of popular dishes with fat-burning ingredients. The Recipe Hacker offers an amazing experience and puts healthy eating back in style again. Kuester Management Group details some steps homeowners can take to keep their properties secure, even over the holiday season. The holiday season brings with it many joys, but also certain risks. Many of these risks stem from holiday travel. Many individuals take to the road over their holiday breaks, enjoying time spent with family and friends or simply seeking recreation in a warmer climate this can sometimes leave their homes a bit more vulnerable to burglary, vandalism, or simple accidents. In a new statement to the press, Kuester Management Group offers homeowners some tips for keeping their homes safe and secure. ldquoThe last thing you want to come home to, after your holiday travel, is a broken window, a vandalized home, or some other catastrophe, rdquo comments Bryan Kuester, President of Kuester Management Group. ldquoTherersquos no need to be fearful or anxious about all of this instead, homeowners just need to take some basic precautions. rdquo Keeping everything locked is a top priority. ldquoThis seems obvious, but you would be amazed at how many burglars get into homes simply because something was left unlocked, rdquo Kuester comments. ldquoDouble-checking all doors and windows is a smart step to take. rdquo Homeowners can discourage thieves by securing all of their cash and valuables in safety deposit boxes, or in hidden storage areas within the home. Keeping some lights on, or fixing them with timers, can also help ward off potential burglars. ldquoAnother recommendation is to avoid broadcasting your travel plans all over social media, rdquo Kuester comments. ldquoYou never know who could pick up on that. rdquo Separate from the issue of burglary is the issue of home disastermdashlike a plumbing mishap. ldquoYou might just check your pipes and appliances before you leave, ensuring you donrsquot see any leaksmdashor better still, shut off the water while yoursquore away, rdquo Kuester comments. ldquoMake sure all outside faucets are covered and hoses are disconnected. Also, keep your heating system on you can turn it down to save money, but turning it off for an extended period and then restarting it could lead to complications. rdquo Concludes Kuester, ldquoIn the end, we hope homeowners will simply take a minute to think through these issues before leavingmdashand that doing so will help them to feel all the more relaxed and secure while theyrsquore travelingrdquo Kuester Management Group, a division of Kuester Companies, works to protect property values and enhance the quality of life in each of its managed communities. Providing a full range of association management services, Kuester Management Group has worked to foster strong, resilient, and unified communities across North and South Carolina. The company is proud to offer on-site property managers, all zealous for building strong communities meant to stand the test of time. More information is available at kuester A Christmas greeting ecard made by Kvisoft FlipBook Maker for Mac. This Xmas ecard can turn pages one by one with sound like paper-made cards. Kvisoft announces 50 discount for its FlipBook Maker for Mac for celebrating the 2018 Christmas. Now Mac users can get the flipbook software for Mac at lowest price from Kvisoft. When the 2018 Christmas is approaching, Kvisoft announces 50 discount on its FlipBook Maker, FlipBook Maker for Mac, SWF to Video and many more Windows and Mac programs. This Christmas deal has already been set public for global users. It8217s definitely a good deal for people who need these programs at present: kvisoftchristmas-discount-promotion. html Mac PC users who plan to create a product catalog in order to enhance product and service during the 2018 business competition, Kvisoft FlipBook Software for Mac would be a dependable tool for making unusual ecatalogs on Mac OS X such as Leopard, Lion and the latest Yosemite system. Key Features of Kvisoft FlipBook Maker for Mac 1. Convert product catalogs, brochures, teaching material and etc which are saved in PDF format into stunning page-flipping book. 2. Publish digital flipbook in various formats such as HTML, standalone SWF, EXE, APP and etc. Users can publish flipbook in HTML format for displaying on websites, publish flipbook as a standalone SWF for embedding on any area of a webpage, or publish as APP for running flipbook offline on desktop. 3. Customizable template: users can decorate their flipbook with free built-in templates. 4. Flipbook authors can create their own bookmarks and table of contents for their publications. 5. Enter Google Analytics account ID, the traffic of online flipbook can be tracked easily. 6. Users are also allowed to set a password for privacy protection. 7. Shortcut to share flipbook to various social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and etc. To know more functions and details about the software, please go to: kvisoftflipbook-maker-mac Pricing and Availability The original price of the software is 97 . now it8217s only 48.5 . kvisoftchristmas-discount-promotion. html. Everyone can visit the webpage for place an order directly. The Christmas deal will only last for a short period. After Jan5th . 2018. the Christmas special offer will become inactive. Kvisoft, the developer of page flipping catalog creator and online magazine maker, has already accumulated a large quantity of customers in various countries such as USA, Germany, Japan and many more. Please know more information at Kvisoft CaseGlides Litigation Control System software optimizes processes for insurers and their attorneys to collaborate on claims and cases. CaseGlide, running on the LeadMaster platform, provides cloud-based analytics, document automation, and project management services to property and casualty insurers. Insurers and their partners use the software to streamline, automate, and manage the claims and litigation processes. Roswell, GA ndash December 5, 2018 ndash CaseGlide. LLC, a leading provider of insurance claims and litigation software for analytics, document automation, and project management has launched the Litigation Control Center with LeadMaster. a prominent web-based business software provider. Their Software as a Service (SaaS) platform and turnkey solutions offer insurers their first opportunity to collaborate with their attorneys on a system optimized for adjusting and litigating insurance claims and cases. ldquoWe believe the combination of CaseGlidersquos offerings and strong domain experience in insurance claims and litigation, together with LeadMasterrsquos CRM and automated workflow capability, empowers insurance clients to achieve breakthroughs in quality and cost performancerdquo, said Wesley Todd, president and CEO of CaseGlide. ldquoBy combining our talents, we are bringing the insurance industry a rare opportunity to reduce some of their greatest expenses. Wersquore so excited to seamlessly transform the claims and litigation processes with our clients. They have deserved legal automation and analytics services like these for quite some time. rdquo ldquoThe LeadMaster team is thrilled with the opportunity to increase our offerings in the insurance industry, rdquo said Russell King, CEO of LeadMaster. ldquoOur decades of expertise in business software solutions complement CaseGlidersquos reputation and experience in the insurance industry. This perfect fit provides our insurance company clients with tremendous value. rdquo CaseGlidersquos Litigation Control System software optimizes processes for insurers and their attorneys to collaborate on claims and cases. By capturing the data that was previously lost in emails and Word documents, CaseGlide provides insurers with powerful business intelligence and analytics. Moreover, by optimizing the routine legal tasks through project management and automation software modules, CaseGlide offers insurers their greatest opportunity to eliminate wasted time and expenses on routine legal tasks. CaseGlide is the first portal that is both customized for insurance claims litigation and accessible to insurers and attorneys. By bringing both the insurers and attorneys to the same platform, CaseGlide eliminates many of the most time-consuming and error-prone litigation tasks. CaseGlide provides cloud-based analytics, document automation, and project management services to property and casualty insurers. Insurers and their partners use the software to streamline, automate, and manage the claims and litigation processes. For more information, please visit caseglide LeadMaster offers a multi-function cloud-computing software solution that combines sales lead management software, lead tracking solutions, sales force automation tools (SFA), customer relationship management features (Sales CRM) and cloudvirtual call center solutions. This powerful web-based application has helped companies large and small from virtually every industry. The LeadMaster sales lead management CRM product is straightforward and easy to learn yet has robust features like workflow automation, round-robin lead distribution, mobile access, CRM analytics and Outlook integration. LeadMaster products and services are available through a global network of value-added resellers, consultants and system integrators. A genre-bending, fast moving adventure that takes its cues directly from todays technology. Simon J. Morley has taken todays real-world technology to the next level with the conception of the Universe Wide Web Author . Simon Morley Simon J. Morley has taken todayrsquos real-world technology to the next level with the conception of the Universe Wide Web ndash Itrsquos the intergalactic internet that you can logon to and visit, or use to travel anywhere in the universe at the click of a button. The seriesrsquo first book, lsquoThe Universe Wide Web: 1. Getting Startedrsquo sees one schoolboy discover the Universe Wide Web and its hidden security code. What ensues is a genre-bending, fast moving adventure that takes its cues directly from todayrsquos technology. Simon was browsing Google Maps when he came up with an ingenious idea what if he could actually transport himself to the places he was visiting, and walk down the streets for real, with a simple click And why just on Earth With his creative cogs spinning at an unstoppable pace, he put pen to paper and created lsquoThe Universe Wide Webrsquo series. The series is contemporary action science-fiction, although multiple genres come to the surface in a world where the Universe Wide Web provides real, fast-moving adventures. Book One, lsquoThe Universe Wide Web: 1. Getting Startedrsquo . proves that any bright new technology can also have a dark side. A few words from the authorhellip I came up with the idea of The Universe Wide Web (also known as the uni-web ) whilst idly playing with Google Maps. There I was, taking a virtual wander along Broadway in New York, when the idea hit me. It wasnrsquot a huge leap of imagination to thinkhellipwhat if there was an internet for the whole universe, and it let you not just see faraway places at the click of a button, but actually to travel there, instantaneously ndash an intergalactic internet. So where is the Universe Wide Web Well, like the internet, itrsquos sort of everywhere, and who knows where. The internet is in the cloud isnrsquot it ndash sort of The Universe Wide Web, on the other hand, is in the aether out there somewhere. Once yoursquove made the intergalactic step of logging on to the Universe Wide Web , who can you expect to meet out there Therersquod be aliens, of course. But are aliens, intelligent aliens, really going to be that much different to us My guess is going on the Universe Wide Web would be just like going on the internet here yoursquod just meet ordinar, everyday creatures ndash except, as we know, nobody is ordinary close up. Beware So I hope you enjoy the Universe Wide Webhellip just one click and you can be anywhere in the universe. lsquoUniverse Wide Web: 1. Getting Startedrsquo is available now from online bookstores, including Amazon and on Kindle . The SoGo Mini is the only customizable Bluetooth speaker on the market with a variety of options to fit personal tastes and styles. The worldrsquos first and only customizable mini Bluetooth speaker, the SoGo Mini is now available for those who value convenience, high quality and customizable options. The Sogo Mini is more than just a Bluetooth speaker it is also a speakerphone that allows hands free conversations and assurance of not missing calls while listening to favorite music or other audio tracks. The customizable case and ring options allow for dozens of unique styles to suit every style and taste. Then, the Open Source Code allows for additional features in order to customize apps or desktop software and more. The high tech features of the SoGo Mini include Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. This technology makes it possible to connect phones within range or simply touching phone to speaker to make a command. This one of a kind mini Bluetooth speaker also includes Bone Conductive Technology for unsurpassed sound quality. This unique design works in such a way that just about any surface automatically turns into a sort of sound conductor. It works by using the vibration sound waves to increase volume and bass of any object that the Sogo Mini is place on. For instance, if the speaker is set up on any surface that has an open barrier, such as a wall, the noise will carry as far as to the neighbor8217s house. There is also a 50 mm mini sub-woofer as a main speaker. In addition to the variety of customization options and high tech features, the SoGo Mini has app controlled RGB lighting that is a first for any speaker ever created. Finally, the battery life lasts for more than twenty hours of use to make this the perfect speaker for any style and taste for at home or on the go. A representative of Nimbx Technology, developers of the SoGo Mini said, ldquoWe worked fifteen hour days, seven days a week for almost a year perfecting this speaker. We conducted 3d print testing, audio and pcb designing and overall making it use other sources like the walls of your hose, windows, tables, etc8230, in order to work with the bone conductive technology. We are sure this speaker is going to set precedence for speaker technology well into the future. rdquo Founded in 2018 by Richard White and his team of expertly trained designers and engineers, Nimbx Technology is on a mission to create new and innovative technologies for individuals and companies alike with a focus on originality and high quality work. The SoGo Mini is this teamrsquos second product launch. Orlando, FL 8211 On Nov 19th, graphic novelist Robert Wawrzyniak launched a Kickstarter campaign for his newest work, ldquoThe Ultimate 7,rdquo the third and final volume in a three-part science fiction graphic novel series. The project has already raised 75 of itrsquos goal and, according to Kicktraq, is set to surpass itrsquos goal in the next few days. The story takes place over 1,000 years in the future where an evil overload is willing to stop at nothing to ensure the death of Colonel Jennifer Rocket, a hotshot space fighter pilot, and her friends and family. Having already witnessed the destruction of her home, the Omega 3 Space Station, Rocket is faced with the decision to flee or stand and fight. However, in order to stand any chance of defeating the Overlord, she must find the rest of the chosen warriors and assemble the ldquoUltimate 7rdquo team. ldquoWithin these 384 pages, you will journey throughout the universe with Jenny, exploring new worlds and civilizations, and fighting for your lives in search of the other team members, rdquo says Robert Wawrzyniak, the creator of The Ultimate 7 trilogy. ldquoThis epic story of struggle and determination will push you over the edge. And when all hope seems lost, you will discover your inner strength, and find the courage to never give up. rdquo For the past 10 years, Wawrzyniak has independently produced the 384 page, fully colored comic book maxi series. In addition, he has run two previously successful Kickstarter campaigns, which helped fund the production of volume 1 and 2 of ldquoThe Ultimate 7.rdquo The pledges from this third crowdfunding campaign will allow him to print more copies of Volume 3 to keep up with reader demand. In exchange for pledging to the project, backers will gain access to exclusive rewards including wallpapers featuring the storyrsquos main characters, Volume 1 2 amp 3 of lsquoThe Ultimate 7,rsquo and custom artwork from the seriesrsquo distinguished artists like Noel Torres and Shawn Surface. These lsquoperksrsquo or lsquorewardsrsquo will be available until December 19th, at which time the Kickstarter campaign will conclude. ldquoThis is no ordinary mission, and the fate of the universe lies in the hands of Colonel Jennifer Rocket. Follow this strong, female heroine into a journey of self discovery as she conquers her fears, and unites a family she never thought she8217d find. rdquo 8211 Robert Wawrzyniak, writercreator of The Graphic Novel Trilogy. Graphic novel enthusiasts can check out Volume 1 of lsquoThe Ultimate 7rsquo here or learn more about the Kickstarter campaign here. For media inquiries, please use the contact details below. Jason Schappert, a flight instructor and founder of the online ground school MzeroA, is producing a documentary feature film about pilots who haven8217t flown in years taking to the skies again called 8220Flying Again,8221 and has turned to crowd funding giant KickStarter to raise funds. The short period fund raising project started this Monday and has already raised half their initial funding goal of 20,000. 8220Flying Again is a film that any aviation enthusiast would enjoy,8221 said Schappert. The film crew is seeking funding to pay for the computing power needed to edit the 4k footage, and to pay for gear rentals so they can film with professional cinema cameras and stabilization so they can film from a second aircraft while completing training of the documentary subjects. Schappert is the author of eight industry best selling books, and is writing a companion book called 8220Help I haven8217t flown in years8221 to help guide rusty pilots back into the sky. Sponsorship rewards include a three year membership to their online ground school, a 5,200 value for a 750 sponsorship, or a day of flying with Schappert to beautiful Cedar Key, Florida, an island with a 2,000 foot water surrounded runway. 8220We want to wow the viewers with beautiful aerial footage, but the film is about realizing dreams,8221 said John Ellis, the director of the film. 8220The emotional core of the film is the pilots, and their stories. Each of them has stopped flying for some reason. Life, money, family can all get in the way. But each of them dreamed of being at the controls every time they saw a plane fly overhead,8221 Ellis said. 8220I totally understand it,8221 Schappert said. 8220We8217re out to get those rusty pilots back in the cockpit and start growing our pilot population.8221 To learn more about this film project visit this link or to learn more about their online ground school visit MzeroA. 8220Sick. Survive the Night8221 hits DVD and VOD in January In the tradition of The Walking Dead Midnight Releasing has announced a January 6, 2018 DVD-VOD release for the acclaimed spookfest Sick. Survive the Night . In the tradition of The Walking Dead . Sick. Survive the Night tells the story of a group of people who band together after a zombie outbreak. Debbie Rochon ( Tromeo amp Juliet ),Christina Aceto, Richard Roy Sutton, Jennifer Polansky, and Robert Nolan star in a Ryan M. Andrews film. Two years into the outbreak, the remaining people struggle day to day for survival. With the infected more active at night, three people seek shelter in an empty home, but with supplies scarce, they8217ll be lucky to make it out alive. Audiences get a Close Encounter with Robert Conway8217s new film June 2018 will see the release of a horde of big films, including Ju rassic World . Entourage . and Ted 2 . Add another to the list of must-see releases for that particular month. The Encounter . the new supernatural thriller from filmmaker Robert Conway. Uncork8217d Entertainment has released a teaser trailer for the new film. When the lights go down what you canrsquot see can hurt you. When Collin Bastrow is found in the forest, alone and afraid, he has a shocking story to tell. As he struggles to recount the events of the previous night his memories return in a series of horrific flashes of what became of his friends and fianceacutee. What started as a simple camping trip in the mountains of Northern Arizona quickly descended into an amazing and terrifying story that is truly out of this world. As the sole survivor of this deadly close encounter Collin must try and explain the unexplainable. UNESCO-SAARC Academic Alliance. A cutting-edge research pinnacle has been demonstrated at the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, by the UNESCOSAARC Academic Alliance, that quite eloquently and meaningfully emerges to impact the lives of over 799 million disables of the world. Asia, SAARC: UNESCOndashSAARC Academic Alliance, HEC, SAIRI Research Initiative Pakistan. 05 Dec 2018. Pakistan earns an upright lsquolaurel of notersquo to its credit by presenting at the fore-front of the world academia, the first ever scientific research model of lsquoteratogenesis in the broad-spectrum perspectives of disability preventionrsquo. The bench-mark research pinnacle, that is going to change the waymdashthe world looks at the lsquophenomenon of disabilityrsquo, is an outcome of nearly 1.5 decadesrsquo inquiry-probings on the subject by the multidisciplinary arch-researcher Professor Qadhi Aurangzeb Al Hafi. The ground-breaking research document is primed for over 1900 universities of the globe, along with the UN agencies, the international hierarchies of legislation, policy making and the regulatory authorities. The IRT model and theory was demonstrated through a multi-academic scientific research colloquia, at Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. The colloquia consisted of 21 thematic orientations, 18 confluences, 11 symposia and over 19 scientific demonstrations and 5 thematic confabs. The UN-IDPD 2018 demonstration session of IRT model was organized at the Higher Education Commission. Well-attended by academicians from all over the country, the auspicious demonstration event was presided over by the Minister of Special Education, Disablesrsquo Empowerment and Rehabilitation Mr. Asif Saeed Manais. An assembly of high-profiled inter-disciplinary experts participated into the panel discussions and the thematic confab. Despite the huge developments in lsquomedical measuresrsquo like vaccine-inoculations, and their massive encroachments, the past 45 years have witnessed an enormous rise in complexities of pre-birth as well as post-birth disabilities. Diverse manifolds of new lsquoTypes amp Formsrsquo of structural as well as functional abnormalities have appeared on the medical scene. More the medical advancements claim to reach the paramount of success, more the graph of consequential complexities tends to reach the maxima of the recorded human historymdash the core lsquounderlying causalityrsquo is iatro-teratogenecity. The term lsquoiatro-teratogenesisrsquo or the iatro-teratogenicity, refers to the deadly spectacle-manifestations and pandemic out-breaks of lsquoirrational medicationsrsquo that are administered during pregnancy or in lactation periods. Notably, most of the prevalent drug-formulations are predominantly based on complex chemical-compositions, which, essentially, do pose serious threats to the physio-chemical synchrony of fetal tissuesmdashthus, eventually leaving the baby on severe vulnerabilities of life-long disabilitiesmdashboth, structural as well as functional. Not only are these embryonically lsquonon-compatiblersquo hefty drug-formulations hard to be absorbed by the fetal tissues, mdashbut also their chemical structures remain intransigently lsquotough-enoughrsquo to be broken down and processed by the fetal cells in the same time-frame and interval-break-intermissions, as those of the motherrsquos body-cells. During this course of ultimate lsquodis-synchronyrsquo in complex dynamic-interplay of chemicals, the fetal body-cells are left with no margin-latitudes other than bearing heavy toxic burdens at the very initial stages of cell-formations and organogenesismdashand, ultimately persisting on worstly devastating complexities of physical and mental abnormalities. At very core of the problem, under-lying source-reason is lsquoirrational amp obscuredrsquo medicationmdash Irrational, becausemdashhow can it be rationalized to alleviate the common-cold symptoms, or to relieve the temporary nasal-achings or ordinary headaches of a mother at the lsquovery expensersquo and cost of lsquolife-long disabilitiesrsquo of the baby. And obscured, mdashunderstandably, due to the identical fact that most of the prevalent drug-compositions are, embryonically non-compatible, but nonetheless these are administered during pregnancymdashbecause, they do however bear the fascinating enough lsquosafety-signsrsquo like lsquo100 secure for both, mdashlsquothe mother and the babyrsquo and lsquono adverse-effects notedrsquohellipetc. ldquoThe chemical mechanism of these drugs is not that simple as publicized by these lsquoallegedly falsersquo and massively lsquomisleading safety-claimsrsquo, that are made by the corporate controllers of medical worldmdashthe pharmaceuticsrsquo profiteers, who use to promote these lsquosilently salient genocidesrsquo through highly crafted and lsquowell-tailoredrsquo campaigns involving 100 biased, pre-inclined research studies that are funded, predisposed and lsquocourse-plottedrsquo by the same parties, and then publicized by these lsquoprofiteers-backedrsquo mediardquo mdashdenouncingly points out the research-study. ldquoSuch drugs and chemical-compositions must be brought under strict international legislation, in order to safeguard the lives of massive proportions of lsquounborn babiesrsquo, that prone to predisposal of detrimental devastationsrdquo pleads the groundbreaking research cessation. This forth-rightly stark lsquocruxrsquo of the devastating lsquoperplex-crisisrsquo has been documented by the lsquoIRT Research Modelrsquo, which brings forth sensitive-most questions and key-concerns to be addressed by the global hierarchies including UN, and henceforth, calls for international legislation on the subject-matter. SAIRI in collaboration with UNESCO organized the demonstration at HEC. The collaboration comes as an offshoot of the UNESCO-SAARC Academic Alliance and aims at making formidable strides towards ensuring that meaningful effort is directed towards eliminating causal factors of disabilities. The landmark reference work is entirely objective and absolutely unbiased research study of its type as compared to the earlier research models and studies. Key-concern of Dr. Aurangzeb Hafirsquos research is circumscribed in the lsquoframe-of-referencersquo of lsquodisability-preventionrsquomdashbefore-the-occurrence, by addressing the diverse spectrums of underlying lsquocausal-factorsrsquo. Dr. Hafi also served as head of projects concerning the disable population during Tsunami-2004, and maintained liaisons with UN and concerned agencies thereof. The cutting-edge research is a lsquojudiciously uprightrsquo and a lsquohumanely sanersquo call to the collective conscience of the world, to come forth to raise voice for those, who are unable to raise voice for themselvesmdashthe babies, yet unbornmdashbut perilously prone to severe life-long disabilitiesmdashthe voicelessmdashthe left-behind population living with multiple forms of disabilitiesmdashthe neglected part of the society. Professor-emeritus Dr. Zaki, Dr. Ashraf, Mr. Fazil Cheema, Dr. Shafiq Jallandhary, also expressed their deep sense of concern regarding the issue and paid salutations to the upright accomplishments of Professor Dr. Aurangzeb Hafi, in the area of disability prevention. Dr. Khalida M Khan, holder of the UNESCO chair of watershed conservation and community education, who is also a post-doc moderator of SAARC-UNESO alliance, presented a brief summary of the first Post DESPO report of 2018, the KAKHTAH multiversity, and extended special tributes to Prof. Hafi, on the official launch of IRT model, on behalf of the UNESCO and the University of Punjab. ldquoBy virtue of Prof. Hafirsquos worthy contributions, Pakistan, incontrovertibly, now, stands on verge of becoming the worldrsquos lsquoresearch capitalrsquo, in disability-prevention realm-orbs of scholastic academic focirdquo expressed Dr. E. M. Nawaratne and Dr. Faisar N. M. in their message. The honorable chief guest Minister Asif Saeed Manais gave his closing address and complimented the pioneering efforts made by the IRT Modelrsquos principal investigator Professor Qadhi Aurangzeb Al Hafi. He further applauded the research work and the self-less dedicated efforts put in by Prof. Hafi. He ensured that all efforts would be made to make sure that the recommendations put forward by Dr. Hafi shall be implemented in true letter and spirit, and no stones would be left unturned to see that all factors that attribute to the cause of disabilities, are eradicated. The team is inspiring veterans to set new life goals, create a team, and chase their dreams. Take Point Now is a call to action to all veterans to reclaim their extraordinary lives. The team is on a mission to shatter Guinness World Records on Personal Watercraft (PWC). Perhaps the most notable goal is to break the world record for crossing the Atlantic Ocean. The Take Point Now team wants their own epic adventures to motivate veterans, and their families, to pursue their own passions and fulfill their dreams. Military service is characterized by extraordinary experiences and training which can be paid forward by creating dog shelters, building playgrounds, running marathons on prosthetic limbs, climbing mountains, starting businesses, and much more. The most common question asked of Take Point Now is 8220why jet skis8221 Team leader PK Ewing has an easy answer due to the severe injuries he was left with after his deployment to Iraq. His life-changing new reality included a long list of things he could no longer do physically. What can PK do with relative ease He can sit on a jet ski with little to no discomfort. And falling off of a ski induces laughter, not more injures. This realization is what started the wheels turning to get other veterans onto the water. Much more than glory is Take Point Nowrsquos empowerment of wounded warriors through the development of specialized gear and adaptive controls for injured and disabled veterans to become part of the action on water. Water has peaceful and calming properties that can help alleviate PTSD issues. Veterans are also invigorated by being able to join friends and family in fun activities where their injuries canrsquot hold them back. Take Point Nowrsquos program will help veterans reclaim their lives, instill a sense of pride in what they are capable of all while fostering a sense of camaraderie between veterans and their community. Crowdfunding is sought for our world record endeavors and to continue reaching veterans and their families. Funding will be used for training missions, fuel, testing of adaptive gear, travel expenses, equipment acquisition and maintenance, and an advertising campaign to reach veterans and raise awareness of this first-of-its kind veterans program. Join the adventure of Take Point Now Support Take Point Now TODAY on Indiegogo 8211 bit. ly1AsLnJg This crowdfunding campaign ends on January 7, 2018, but our mission continues long after. Spintronic Generator is Breakthrough New Energy Technology Fort Lauderdale, FLORIDA DEC 5, 2018 ndash The world is running out of fossil fuels and exploration for more through fracking is destroying more than is being found. It is clear that a new paradigm in energy production must be found and one Floridian Team may have the answer, the Spintronic Generator, and they8217ve launched an IndieGoGo campaign to start manufacturing a small, extremely quiet and highly efficient Generator, primarily designed for the marine and RV (motor home) industries as a first application of the technology commercially. The Spintronic Generator (STG) is a revolutionary approach in energy conversion bringing to the fore a technology that could solve the World8217s energy problems by providing cheap, clean, safe and abundant energy that is free from enslavement to the 8220fossil fuel masters. The Spintronic Generator (STG) works by producing energy utilizing quantum-reactions between the molecular electron spin and magnetic interactions. This emerging field is known as ldquospintronicsrdquo or spin transport electronics. The STG is self-contained, uses no fuel, is friction free and causes no pollution. Maintenance and wear are virtually nonexistent. The STG harvests electrons from its natural surroundings in its toroidal implosive field via neodymium for a clean, abundant, and demand driven output. As such, cooling is generated instead of heat during its energy generation. The STG is easily adapted to modern manufacturing processes and materials needed for its manufacture are abundant. Application includes automotive, maritime and aerospace. It eliminates the need for electrical substations or transmission lines and is scalable to widespread electrical distribution. Angel investors helping fund The Spintronic Generator (STG) campaign to the next level will be eligible for perks such as thank yous, bumper stickers, tote bags, umbrellas, coffee mugs, insulated travel mugs, Philip Talbert8217s book ndash 8216Half Life of a Nuclear Battery8217, and much, much more. The team also understands not everyone may be able to give money to help the The Spintronic Generator (STG) project, so they ask that those who cannot give monetarily help by spreading the word about The Spintronic Generator (STG) online through social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr or record a video challenge for Vine, Facebook or Instagram to invite friends to give to or share this IndieGoGo fundraiser. Include SpintronicGenerator in all posts. Designs DreemBee Video Player Toy Device Northampton, UNITED KINGDOM, DEC 5, 2018 ndash Imagine a device little hands can operate that allows parents and grandparents who are away from the home for any reason to be able to connect and be closer to their children whilst away by recording them special messages of comfort and attachment. Latvian-born Englishman Paul Kuznecovs has invented just such a device, the DreemBee, and has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the final production and distribution of the children8217s Video Player Toy Device. DreemBee is an extremely user-friendly childrsquos video player toy device designed specifically to play bed time stories and songs, video messages or other video files. The fully functional pre-manufactured product has been fully developed. Angel investors helping fund the DreemBee campaign to the next level will be eligible for perks such as thank yous and a DreemBee Video Player Toy Device which connect parents to their children. On December 1st, Onward Bound launched an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to help finance the creation of a new canine rehabilitation center in Hartford, Wisconsin. Ally Murdock, the founder of Onward Bound, is a professional dog trainer and active member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers and the Force Free Trainers of Wisconsin. Using her expertise, she hopes to facilitate positive behavior changes for in-need dogs in the Wisconsin area. ldquoOnward Bound will be a safe haven for dogs that have unwanted behaviors. Hyperactivity, fear, aggression, and more can be changed with a careful systematic approach and positive motivation, rdquo says Murdock. ldquoI have learned many different techniques of behavior modification and am able to customize treatment plans that facilitate positive behavior changes in these dogs. Combined with owner training, these techniques lead to profound lasting change. rdquo Having found a prospective property for the rehabilitation facility, which meets land and zoning requirements, Murdock has now taken her project to Indiegogo to raise funds to acquire the property, build a kennel structure, and fence the property to ensure security. The kennels will be room suites outfitted with a sound system, comfortable bedding, and remote reward machines. The dogs in care will be trained one hour each day and be walked five times per day. So far, Murdock has so far grown this project from the ground up while supporting her husband, a deployed soldier. The Indiegogo campaign will involve the local Wisconsin community in the rehabilitation center and help to further finance the project. In exchange for pledging support to the project, backers can get access to exclusive lsquoperksrsquo or lsquorewardsrsquo including furry chew toys, calming music that will relax your pet, branded magnets and t-shirts, a cartoon drawing of your pet, and more. These rewards can be claimed for the next 40 days while the campaign is live on Indiegogo. For members of the Wisconsin community and beyond, this project is a great way to support in-need dogs and make an impact on manrsquos best friend. ldquoAt Onward Bound, we will strive for transparency in our training. The best trainer in the world cannot help a dog if the owner doesn8217t know how to keep them successful. Our training program will facilitate the change, and help owners stay on track so that their pets have a successful behavior transformation. rdquo 8211 Ally Murdock. The project will be accepting pledges on Indiegogo until January 10, 2018. For more information, you can contact the creator below or check out the project here. Los Angeles, California, December 04, 2018 8211 Licensed vocational nurses are much more in demand in Physician offices nowadays compared to registered nurses. While it is true that LVNs are in danger of being phased out in hospitals since LVNs need to be constantly supervised by RNs. Career Development Institute, Inc. offers professional training course to all aspiring students to become an LVN. Experience as a licensed vocational nurse paves the way to taking on a much larger responsibility as that of a registered nurse. CDI LVN program typically covers 1 to 2 years or 7 to 24 months of training. Courses may vary according to each state but all courses are as mandated by the National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses (NFLPN). LVN programs are designed so that in a training period of 1-2 years, you are already equipped with knowledge necessary for work in a healthcare facility. Licensed practical nurses are able to perform tasks almost the same tasks done by registered nurses. ldquoWe are in the Top 10 of LVN Nursing Schools in California, according to practicalnursing. org, rdquo stated CDI Founder and President, Janis Newton. ldquoWe make sure our LVN nursing students graduate with the confidence, knowledge and skill set necessary to become successful LVN nursing professionals. rdquo According to Angela, one of the students of the class of 2018 stated, 8220When I visited CDI, I knew this was the school for me. The staff was warm and inviting, and everyone was really hands on.8221 ldquoI loved meeting with the patients, getting hands-on experience. It was exciting and fun to just jump right in, rdquo stated Merrill. The fact that LVNs can perform almost all tasks that an RN can perform gives the physician enough reason to hire licensed vocational nurses for a much more affordable rate. Founded by Janis K. Newton in 1998, Career Development Institute, Inc. (CDI) is a family-owned and operated nursing school, dedicated to building and advancing the careers and futures of its LVN students. CDI has proudly offered the nursing community a personal and unique academic experience for more than 15 years. The institute trains students to be LVN every year. Students receive a tailored academic experience through small class sizes, free tutoring services and valuable one-on-one attention. For more information, visit careerdevelopmentinstitute. edu to learn more about the nursing program. Garth Brooks Tickets on Sale for Pittsburgh, PA Shows Garth Books Pittsburgh, PA tickets are available for sale now, and CapitalCityTickets is pleasing fans with cheap concert tickets for each show at Consol Energy Center. CapitalCityTickets has concert tickets for Garth Brooks8217 Consol Energy Center concerts that are available at the cheapest prices. The three concerts coming in February will sell out quickly. Fans have been waiting a long time for the country music star to start touring again. Gath Brooks has been adding dates to his ldquoWorld Tourrdquo one city at a time. The excitement has been increasing for the three shows planned for the Consol Energy Center at the beginning of February. Concert tickets will sell out quickly so make sure to get yours early. Tickets for the three shows will be in high demand and sell out early. The country music star has planned three shows over the dates of February 5 th and 7th (see times below). Appearing with Brooks will be his wife and fellow country music star, Trisha Yearwood. She will be playing each night and performing her hits such as ldquoHow Do I Liverdquo and ldquoWalk Away Joerdquo. Garth Brooks has created his own online music selling platform, Ghosttunes, which lets artist bundle their albums how they see fit. Get his new album Man Against Machine today. CapitalCityTickets has seating available in all price ranges, and VIP seating is also an option. Tickets are 125 guaranteed and easy to order either online or by phone. CapitalCityTickets provides all level of seating for Garth Brooksrsquo concerts. Browse Here Garth Brooks Consul Energy Center Dates: February 5 th ndash 7:30 PM at TD Garden February 7 th ndash 6:30 PM and 10:30 PM at TD Garden CapitalCityTickets carries the largest and cheapest selection of Garth Brooksrsquo tickets for online customers. CapitalCityTickets Live Customer Support Order by Phone Toll Free 7 Days a Week (855) 514-5624 Browse the inventory of tickets for Garth Brooks at Consol Energy Center at CapitalCityTickets today and save big capitalcityticketsGarth-Brooks-Tickets Disclaimer: CapitalCityTickets is not associated with any artists, teams, venues, organizations, institutions, bands, or artists featured on their website in any way. CapitalCityTickets is a reliable online marketplace serving the secondary market with cheap tickets for all major concerts, sports, and theatre events. For the cheapest price, online shoppers can take advantage of Promo Code ldquoCITY5rdquo while tickets last. CapitalCityTickets Live Customer Support Order By Phone Toll Free 7:00am-1:00am EST (855) 514-5624 customersupportcapitalcitytickets With Darkest Days How To Survive An EMP Attack To The Grid you will discover how to assemble a simple device that will shield your electronics from the EMP and it does the exact same thing as a 1499 Faraday Cage simply by using common parts lying around in your kitchen and 17 minutes of your time. Made by Alec Deacon, an article writer plus an emergency preparation professional, and Charles Green, a university professor, Darkest Days 8211 How to Survive an EMP Attack to the Grid review might be very best referred to as a thorough phase-by-move information that uncovers all you need to know on how to survive an organic or gentleman-manufactured electro-magnetic heartbeat (EMP) attack. To become well prepared for all kinds of EMP attack, inside of the following information Alec Charles and Deacon Green supply stage-by-move suggestions and deal with every one of the subject areas they think you have to know. And Charles Green will highlight what 5 important electronic devices you will need following an EMP affect at a disadvantage any one of those could imply that your household will have a problem with probably the most important things like light-weight, temperature and conversation. With Darkest Days How To Survive An EMP Attack To The Grid legit program you will learn strategies through the Amish on how to stop your meals and treatments from spoiling whether or not the freezer is lower. Furthermore you will be aware of 7 need to-have medication and foods materials to possess when an EMP comes about, and precisely how much to keep. You8217ll also understand what first-aid preps don8217t get messed up by age group. How to keep the loved ones 8216under-the-radar8217 when an EMP hits in order that brutal and eager looters won8217t even discover your appearance. How to ensure your automobile continue to operates although EMP fries auto generator circuits. It8217s nearly impossible to go to a safe and secure area, this will be significant since if you are intending to bug out without having an automobile. And in case you don8217t use a bug out spot, Alec Deacon and Charles Green will highlight confirmed residence defense techniques and traps which can be sure to maintain any looter from your residence. Lastly you will learn how to keep the kitchen appliances operating even though the complete USA strength grid is lower. There are actually 3 debris-low-cost approaches to make the very own power and all of them assures to maintain your electrical products working. If this type of program instantaneously will give you all of the assets, strength and data to beat not merely an EMP, but any kind of tragedy, if it system readies you for your total worst circumstance or. With Alec Deacon and Charles Greenrsquos program you will get the ability to guard and preserve your household even going to restore your group throughout the most severe periods. Normal water, protection and Foods electrical power take your pick you8217ll already have it. Your and also you family and friends is going to be properly protected when an EMP happens and the rest of the individuals are switching into savages. The Darkest Days How to Survive an EMP Attack to the Grid eBook is caused by many years of individual study and cooperating by Charles Alec and Environmentally friendly Deacon, and also in easy terms, it was not whip up overnight. Charles even invested a whole two years surviving in an Amish local community just to have an initial-palm information on how to do without electrical power, in order to assume the details incorporated into this EMP emergency guideline is traditional and beneficial. You do not must wait around for an EMP to attack only to place the approaches launched within the Darkest Days 8211 How to Survive an EMP Attack to the Grid review into great use. That8217s something else that people like relating to this information. Protecting foods, for example, can be an expertise which you and also other individuals are able to use every day, if you would like. You may also make use of the ability of developing your very own treatment when you are walking or camping outdoors. Darkest Days 8211 How To Survive An EMP Attack To The Grid program was especially made for safeguarding your family and family members. Nonetheless, an enormous section of the study course concentrates on safeguarding your neighborhood and Charles8217 time invested together with the Amish is resistant a huge local community can survive without power strength. This really is about ensuring that you and also even your whole neighborhood are area of the ten percent that survive. In truth, a great deal places recognize the EMP hazard and so are consuming safety measures. As unexpected as it might noise. Asia and France equally made armies of service provider pigeons. Asia keeps a platoon of 50.000 provider pigeons with 1.100 personal trainers for connection in boundary and coast locations, in accordance to the China Ministry of Countrywide Shield. And that8217s just among the many actions considered. Regardless of well-known values, airplanes won8217t be dropping lower from your atmosphere plus some autos, which includes more recent types may well nonetheless operate. Some outcomes will likely be very much a whole lot worse an EMP great time won8217t have straight results within the men and women, nevertheless. You will see no apparent or obvious blast. The 1st obvious point will likely be deficiency of electrical power. The results nevertheless are morbid. The very first loss of life influx will come times once the EMP and within 1 week our society would become a barbaric and primitive community. Marissa Turner starts Kickstarter campaign to fund photography book Los Angeles, CA 8211 Photos tell a story of the past. People look at photos from times that have long passed and wonder about the people and places that are captured in the delicate paper. Since Joseph Niepce took the first photograph in 1827, there have been a few photographers that have captured audiences imaginations with a simple photo. Perhaps Ansel Adams for some or Diane Arbus or Edward Weston but with her Kickstarter campaign only a few days old Marissa Turner will soon be added to that list. Marissa Turner started the summer of 2018 taking several trips throughout the United States traveling throughout California, Americas Heartland and the South looking to take the pictures that tell the story of America. Her plan was to create her first photography book to share what she had seen in her journeys. As with any trip she meets many interesting people, places and sees wondrous sights with their own story to tell and in her photos a person can only wonder what that story may be. In one such picture there is of a man peeking out from behind a chair with a look of interest. A person can only wonder what has peaked his curiosity. Architecture tells the story of a city where it came from and where it is going. Nature is the worldrsquos glory and its destruction. In one black and white photo a ghostly white fog hangs over mountain peaks on the horizon with snow in the foreground and a person can feel a chill in the air. One day people will look at Marissa Turner8217s book of photography and think about the story behind the photos. This photography book is being offered for a limited time via a Kickstarter campaign to a limited amount of people. The book is being published professionally and will be filled with photos professionally taken by Marissa. This Kickstarter campaign is being offered with eight different pledging levels starting at 1 to 125. About Marissa Turner: Marissa is studying at California Baptist Online and Professional Studies where she is currently a Junior. Besides being a professional photographer, she also enjoys working with students as a substitute classroom aid in her local school district. Marissa also runs her own photography studio and website. To order Marissa Turner8217s photography book or for more information contact: bit. lyus-photography marissaturnerphotography Karen Denise Aubert (born December 6, 1978), commonly known as K. D. Aubert, is an American actress and fashion model. Aubert was born in Shreveport, Louisiana and is of African-American and Louisiana Creole (African American, Native American, and French) descent, describing herself as 8220African-American with a dash of Creole8221. She grew up in California attended San Diego State University, where she played on the Aztec softball team. She was discovered working behind the make-up counter at Macy8217s. She has modeled for Victoria8217s Secret, Noxzema, Frederick8217s of Hollywood, Escada and many more. She co-hosted MTV8217s Kidnapped and has gone on to star in several films and music videos. Aubert is also one of the four original Fantanas, a female group of spokesmodels appearing in TV commercials for the soft drink Fanta. She was the Strawberry Fanta. She is featured with her fellow Fantanas in the Maxim magazine online girl gallery and was ranked 91 and 97 on the Maxim Hot 100 Women of 2003 and 2004, respectively. She has also been in a commercial for Bacardi, Miller Lite, Go Daddy, Beats By Dr. Dre, Old Spice, and Cola. K. D Aubert recently won the African Oscar8217s Award for her role in the movie Turning Point which along with the cast won several African Oscar Award8217s. Los Angeles Native Hollywood Actress K. D Aubert has two new websites at WordPress amp at Webs designed customly by Jason D. Yonai a. k.a KazeLoon of KazeLoon Records amp K. D Lean Inc. You can check out these websites at kdaubert. wordpress. amp at kdaubert. webs. KazeLoon Records amp K. D Lean Inc. has done a lot of internet services for K. D Aubert as well as many other celebrities like 4 Time Olympic Gold amp 2 Time Silver Medal Winner Allyson Felix, Angel Haze of RepublicIsland RecordsUniversal, Genius Boy Beats of Chicago, Spanish Super Producer Freestyla a. k.a La Beat Guuurl, just to name a few. If you like the websites that KazeLoon of KazeLoon Records amp K. D Lean Inc. has done for K. D Aubert or Allyson Felix and you are interested in getting one or a few you can contact him at the email below for other services as well such as website design, branding, promo, press releases, blogging, SEO, Social Media development, etc. Love Knows no Boundaries Singles interested in Arab dating services can get off to a flying start on ArabianDate by sharing 20 minutes free chat with Arab women. ArabianDate has highlighted the continued availability through the wintertime dating season of a valuable offer that gives easy access to one of the worldrsquos best international Arab dating services. All newcomers to ArabianDate can take advantage of a top-notch opportunity to meet beautiful ladies from the Arab region, with up to 20 minutes free Live Chat for members who complete their profile. This offer from ArabianDate provides members with an entry-level boost by allowing them to share cultural exchange with a large range of single Arab matches. Itrsquos the perfect solution for those looking to enjoy the gift of loving communication over the Holiday period. And a snowballing number of gentlemen are expected to jump at the chance to date Arab women during the coming winter months. The advanced Live Chat service on ArabianDate acts to enable men to connect instantly with those women they find promising from countries including Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. Firstly, members can start with a search through the verified dating personals of Arab women in order to choose those they find the most compatible. Once they have selected a lady they can just click on the Live Chat button to initiate conversation using smilies and virtual gifts. All new members of ArabianDate can easily receive the 20 free minutes of conversation. They are only required to register and fill out their profile to start chatting. It is not even necessary for them to add payment details to their profile, which makes it even simpler to sample the secure dating experience on ArabianDate. The winter months are gearing up to be a magical time on ArabianDate when men can truly discover the energy, soul and potential of Arab women. To learn more about the free chat offer please visit ArabianDate ArabianDate is part of the AnastasiaDate Family of Sites, founded in 1993, which offers premium international communication to inspire serious and satisfying relationships between men and women from all over the world. The AnastasiaDate Family includes AnastasiaDate, AsianDate, AmoLatina, ArabianDate and AfricaBeauties. Together these sites count over 4 million international users and more than 150 million online visitors annually. Additionally, over 2.5 million conversations are exchanged onsite daily. ArabianDate is committed to member safety, customer satisfaction and the ongoing pursuit of innovation. With offices in the U. S. Colombia and China, the AnastasiaDate Family provides services to a worldwide clientele who are able to connect across a variety of top-notch multimedia platforms. James Lunddon, an American born actor is rising up on the popularity scale with his films Transformers 4 And Hindsight. The actor is currently working for the upcoming film Necroland which is a Sci-fi. The move will release in 2018. The movies, lsquoTransformers 4rsquo and lsquoHindsightrsquo have increased the popularity and fan following of the actor James Lunddon. He is emerging as the favorite star of thousands of girls and boys. The actor started his career in film industry with the role of lsquoCarlrsquo in the film Hindsight which released in the year 2018. James has also worked in the fourth part of the well known movie series lsquoTransformers. rsquo Currently he is working for his upcoming film lsquoNecrolandrsquo which will soon be on air in early next year. The actor is playing Lt. Evansrsquos role in the film. James is an American born actor brought up in and around Detroit, Michigan. In his acting career James got a chance to work with the big bees of the film industry including Mark Wahlberg, Jack Reynor, and Pete Kelly. During the interview, the actor seemed to be quite interested in working with Michael Bay in the next lsquoTransformers 5rsquo series. Speaking to media, James said, ldquoI feel myself quite fortunate and very much thankful to my loving audiences and fans across the world which supported me no matter what and appreciated my work. Yes my new film lsquoNecrolandrsquo is in queue and going to come before you in few months as only post production work is being done. I have done several movies that people have loved a lot and given me so much affection. It really feels great to be a part of film industry. If I had not been an actor, I would not have got so much of blessings from you. rdquo He further added, ldquoI understand that my fans and audiences expect a lot from me and I am just willing to go beyond their hopes and expectations from me. rdquo On the evening of December 6, 2018, founding principals of the factoring company. Universal Funding, will join many local supporters at the Spokane Convention Center for the 48th annual auction that supports the prevention of childhood abuse in the Spokane community. ldquoWe love attending this event every year, ldquoexpresses Monica Wozow. ldquoWe support the Exchange Club by participating in the auctions. The items we purchase are then distributed to our employees at our Christmas party. Itrsquos a great way to give back to our community and our employees in one grand gesturerdquo The net proceeds from the crab feed and benefit auction goes on to provide funding for the programs and services of Spokanersquos premier child abuse prevention agencies including the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery, Support Care and Networking (SCAN), and the Childrenrsquos Home Society of Washington. The 2018 event netted and distributed over 57,000 to the three agencies during Child Abuse Prevention Month. The Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery has provided a safe haven for nearly 64,000 at risk children since 1987. SCAN was the first child abuse prevention agency in the State of Washington and the second agency of its kind in the United Statesrsquo. The Childrenrsquos Home Society of Washingtonrsquos mission is to create strong families and to be an advocate for children. The Exchange Club of Spokane Foundationrsquos mission is, ldquoImproving our community and the quality of life of Children, youth and families by supporting child abuse prevention, educational opportunities, and service projects. The Exchange club is responsible for a variety of youth programs, the ACE Awards, the Young Citizenship Awards, and Youth of the Year Awards Scholarships. Their organization is based around community service and Americanism. ldquoWe appreciate that such an opportunity exists for our company to give back to the community through the Exchange Clubrsquos annual event, rdquo states Wozow. About Universal Funding Corporation Since 1998, Universal Funding Corporation, one of the countryrsquos leading invoice factoring companies. has provided personalized invoice factoring services for B2B clients in the staffing, printing, manufacturing, oilfield, and transport industries. The factoring companyrsquos headquarter is located in Spokane, Washington and provides business financing to companies all across the United States. U2 Tickets on Sale at Discounted Prices U2 concert tickets for their iNNOCENCE eXPERIENCE tour dates are on sale now for discounted prices at CapitalCityTickets. CapitalCityTickets is Making U2 fans pleased by offering promo code CITY5 to save 5 on already slashed ticket prices. U2 has announced their ldquoiNNOCENCE eXPERIENCErdquo tour for 2018. The tour kicks off in Vancouver, British Columbia on May 14 th and 15 th. It wraps up on November 10 th and 11 th in Paris, France. The band will be playing 11 shows in North America before heading overseas. They will also be playing multi nights on some of their stops. U2 will be out supporting their new album, Songs Of Innocence . The same album they released for free through iTunes in October. ldquoWe are going to try to have a completely different feeling from night one to night two and have some fun playing with the idea of innocence and experience, rdquo Bono said. ldquoMore to be revealedrdquo U2 fans are excited for the recent tour news and tickets will sell out quickly for their North American dates. U2 tickets make great gifts as well for the Holiday season. Tickets go on sale next week for Los Angeles, Montreal, and Chicago and CapitalCityTickets has your cheapest selection of inventory to avoid the presale lines. CapitalCityTickets provides all levels of seating for U2 concerts. Browse Here May 14-15 ndash Vancouver, British Columbia, Rogers Arena May 18-19 ndash San Jose, Calif. SAP Center At San Jose May 22-23 ndash Phoenix, Ariz. US Airways Center May 26-27 ndash Inglewood, Calif. Forum May 30-31 ndash Inglewood, Calif. Forum June 12-13 ndash Montreal, Quebec, Bell Centre June 24-25 ndash Chicago, Ill. United Center July 6-7 ndash Toronto, Ontario, Air Canada Centre July 10-11 ndash Boston, Mass. TD Garden July 18-19 ndash New York, N. Y. Madison Square Garden Arena July 22-23 ndash New York, N. Y. Madison Square Garden Arena Sept. 4-5 ndash Torino, Italy, Palaolimpico Sept. 8-9 ndash Amsterdam, Netherlands, Ziggo Dome Sept. 16-17 ndash Stockholm, Sweden, Ericsson Globe Sept. 24-25 ndash Berlin, Germany, O2 World Oct. 5-6 ndash Barcelona, Spain, Palau Sant Jordi Oct. 13-14 ndash Merksem, Belgium, Antwerps Sportpaleis Oct. 17-18 ndash Cologne, Germany, Lanxess Arena Oct. 25-26 ndash London, United Kingdom, The O2 ndash London Oct. 29-30 ndash London, United Ki ngdom, The O2 ndash London Nov. 6-7 ndash Glasgow, United Kingdom, The SSE Hydro Nov. 10-11 ndash Paris, France, Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy CapitalCityTickets carries the largest and cheapest selection of U2 tickets for online customers. CapitalCityTickets Live Customer Support Order by Phone Toll Free 7 Days a Week (855) 514-5624 Browse the inventory of tickets for U2 at CapitalCityTickets today and save big capitalcityticketsU2-Tickets Disclaimer: CapitalCityTickets is not associated with any artists, teams, venues, organizations, institutions, bands, or artists featured on their website in any way. CapitalCityTickets is a reliable online marketplace serving the secondary market with cheap tickets for all major concerts, sports, and theatre events. For the cheapest price, online shoppers can take advantage of Promo Code ldquoCITY10rdquo while tickets last. CapitalCityTickets Live Customer Support Order By Phone Toll Free 7:00am-1:00am EST (855) 514-5624 infostckentertainment. org MIAMI (Dec 3, 2018) ndash The FIU Department of Interior Architecture has been ranked among the top 10 interior architecture degree programs in the nation, and first among universities in Florida by Design Intelligence . The ldquoAmericarsquos Best Architecture amp Design Schoolsrdquo survey is conducted annually by DesignIntelligence on behalf of the Design Futures Council. The research ranks undergraduate and graduate programs from the perspective of leading practitioners. ldquoThis type of accomplishment doesnrsquot happen in a vacuum, rdquo said Department Chair and Associate Professor Janine King. ldquoIt reflects the hard work and quality of our students, our faculty, and the professional community that supports us and The College of Architecture The Arts (CARTA) administration that guides us. It takes a team to make this happen I couldnrsquot be more proud of what we have done. rdquo The FIU Department of Interior Architecture also ranked number four in the Top 5 Interior Design undergraduate programs in the southern U. S. and number two in the Top 5 Interior Design graduate programs in the southern U. S. A total of 1,108 professional practice organizations participated in the research. ldquoJanine King, chair of the Department of Interior Architecture, the faculty, professional staff, students, and alumni are to be commended for their excellent work, rdquo said Brian Schriner, dean of CARTA. ldquoItrsquos further evidence that our graduates are fully prepared to enter the profession and to be successful. rdquo About the FIU Department of Interior Architecture With close to 100 students in our Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) accredited Master of Interior Architecture program, the Interior Architecture Department at FIU is one of the premiere professional interior design programs in South Florida. Recognized as the 9 th best interior design program in the United States, we are known for the quality of our students, for our excellent faculty, and for our strong relationship with Miami design professionals. We offer our students cutting edge award-winning facilities that house studios, galleries, labs and workshops, and foster a dynamic community of creative and ardent lifelong learners investigating design and its countless contributions to society. About the College of Architecture The Arts: The College of Architecture The Arts engages our local and global communities by deploying the power of architecture the arts to create . innovate . and inspire solutions to social, economic, and environmental problems. Offering 9 graduate and 8 undergraduate degrees within 7 academic departments, our more than 2,500 majors have the unique experience working with our award-winning faculty, in nationally ranked programs, in the heart of Miami mdash one of the countryrsquos most vibrant, diverse, and creative cities Florida International University is recognized as a Carnegie engaged university. It is a public research university with colleges and schools that offers more than 180 bachelorrsquos, masterrsquos and doctoral programs in fields such as engineering, international relations, architecture, law and medicine. As one of South Floridarsquos anchor institutions, FIU contributes 9.8 billion each year to the local economy. FIU is Worlds Ahead in finding solutions to themost challenging problems of our time. FIU emphasizes research as a major component of its mission. FIU has awarded over 200,000 degrees and enrolls more than 54,000 students in two campuses and three centers including FIU Downtown on Brickell, FIUI-75, and the Miami Beach Urban Studios. FIU also supports artistic and cultural engagement through its three museums: the Patricia amp Phillip Frost Art Museum, the Wolfsonian-FIU, and the Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU. FIU is a member of Conference USA and has over 400 student-athletes participating in 18 sports. For more information about FIU, visit fiu. edu San Francisco, CALIFORNIA DEC 3, 2018 ndash One young man8217s dreams of Peru and its cuisine has led to Ronald Flores, the founder of Nazqiz and creator of Qancha, to start a company that manufactures and distributes specialty snacks made from a heirloom variety of corn (NON GMO) that only grows in the Peruvian Andes and has been consumed since the Incans times centuries ago. He has launched a Kickstarter to fund his dream beginning with Qancha Snacks. ldquoBeing raised in Peru was a culinary luxury, rdquo says Flores. ldquoEvery day my mother would cook a hot meal consisting of potatoes, rice, vegetables and meats or seafood, and we would always have homemade dessert too. On the weekends, at grandma8217s house, we had a feast: Ceviche, roasted duck or Pachamanca, a traditional dish cooked in mud pots under the ground It was amazing no matter what the main dish was and along with them, we would always have Qancha - air-toasted corn snack - to munch on before, during and even after our meal. rdquo Growing up in Lima, Peru, Flores saw the popularity of a staple tasty Peruvian snack called Qancha, and imagined a tremendous opportunity for Peruvian, even food and snacks in the US and global markets. He grew up cooking and eating Qancha at home, using his family8217s recipes and dreaming of the day he would be able to share his passion for Peruvian food with the world. To craft Qancha, Ronald only uses the highest quality ingredients and a proprietary cooking technique which involves air-toasting the corn and does not involve high oil temperatures or frying. The dream has begun for him and these healthy snacks are already sold in some gourmet stores throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. As a start-up they have limited budget and through this Kickstarter campaign they are seeking to get funds to acquire new machines to improve production capability and fulfill the increasing demand. Angel investors helping fund the Qancha Snacks campaign to the next level will be eligible for perks such as thank you, various packages and flavors of Qancha Snacks, a Qancha tote bag, a chance to create a Qancha flavor and much, much more. The team also understands not everyone may be able to give money to help the Qancha Snacks project, so they ask that those who cannot give monetarily help by spreading the word about the Qancha Snacks Project online through social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr or record a video challenge for Vine, Facebook or Instagram to invite friends to give to or share this Kickstarter fundraiser. Include QanchaSnacks in all posts. The company has also attracted media attention since its launching. It is been seen in 72157, USA Today, SF Chronicle, and others. NEW APP COMBINES GPS TECHNOLOGY WITH STREAMING MUSIC FOR THE 1ST TIME New York, NEW YORK DEC 3, 2018 ndash MOTION TRAXX, the 1 Running Music Podcast on iTunes, announces today its Kickstarter campaign to fund a revolutionary, new smartphone app that will combine GPS Technology with a new Streaming Music service to ensure runners stay on their target pace. For the first time ever, the app will use GPS and motion sensing technology to determine if a runner has fallen off pace, and then, using BPM shifting technology, will adjust the speed of the music to help the runner get back on track. All the runner has to do is listen and follow the beat of the music. Tom Holland, Chief Fitness Officer at MOTION TRAXX, 21-time Iron Man finisher and running coach, says ldquoOne of the most important aspects of running well is staying at the right pace. Run too fast and you may get injured. Run too slow and you wonrsquot do your best. The problem is that running at the right pace is very hard to do on your own. This new app will keep runners motivated and moving at their optimal pace using the power of music. rdquo Deekron lsquoThe Fitness DJrsquo, Founder of MOTION TRAXX and NYC Marathon Finisher, is passionate about motivating people to get fit through music. ldquoI launched our running music podcast in 2008,rdquo he says, ldquobecause I wanted to promote a healthier world by motivating people to exercise through fun and energizing music. This new app adds a technology component to our podcast and will help people enjoy running, hit their target pace, and become better runners. rdquo The MOTION TRAXX app will include a new Streaming Music service with specially produced music for runners. Using the same ActionSynctrade process for producing music that has kept its podcast at the top of the charts, this new streaming service from MOTION TRAXX will now include mainstream music from popular artists like Katy Perry, Beyonce, Avici, David Guetta amp Pitbull, in addition to music from top-notch indie labels. Unlike Pandora radio stations or Spotify playlists, ActionSynctrade produced music from Motion Traxx maintains the proper pace, power and flow to keep runners energized and on pace throughout their runs. In the MOTION TRAXX app, Tom Holland will provide voice-over coaching, guidance, and tips to help runners with their form, their mindset and their nutrition. Runners will also have access to his beginner, intermediate and advanced race training programs. Supporters of the MOTION TRAXX Kickstarter campaign will be rewarded with discounted access to the app (up to 50 off a 1 year subscription) when it launches, access to the Beta program, and their ldquoname in lightsrdquo 8211 listed as a supporter in the app when it launches. The MOTION TRAXX Kickstarter campaign is now live. Debut EP Album NOMAD Slovenian-American Hopes to Boost Music Career Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA Dec 03, 2018 ndash A young Californian of European descent who is a spell-binding singer songwriter is preparing to release her Debut EP Album and has launched a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the production and distribution, as well as bring awareness to her talent and career aspirations. The talented high school Senior from San Jose, California only moved to the US two years ago from Slovenia. She has been trained in classical piano and has performed at many national and international festivals. She has also played in a piano trio with a cellist and a violinist, danced in a world championship show dance group for nine years, and acted as a supporting lead in the most viewed Slovenian movie, 8220Gremo mi po svoje8221 (Going Our Way) and its sequel. She has been awarded The President8217s Award for Excellence in piano and theatre, the 2018 Best Female Newcomer and the 2018 Limelight Award for Excellence in the Craft of Acting awarded by the VC Theatre. She has won a 2,000 scholarship two years in a row for her singing at the VC Conservatory Honors Recital. Angel investors helping fund the NOMAD EP Music campaign to the next level will be eligible for perks such as thank yous, sing along digital chord charts and lyrics to her music, digital unreleased acoustic versions of the songs, Nomad themed tattoos, behind the scenes videos with the stories and inspirations that led to the songs being written, Nomad themed pen, Nomad t-shirts, autographed polaroids and much, much more. The team also understands not everyone may be able to give money to help the NOMAD EP Music project, so they ask that those who cannot give monetarily help by spreading the word about the NOMAD EP Music Project online through social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr or record a video challenge for Vine, Facebook or Instagram to invite friends to give to or share this Kickstarter fundraiser. Include NOMADMusic in all posts. Posts navigation Categories

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